Chapter 7

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"No, baby!"

I flew up from the white high-back chair and threw myself to the floor. Jade and Leigh-Anne followed suit. With a racing heart and all kinds of negative thoughts running through my head, I put a trembling hand on my girlfriend's waist and rolled her over so she lied on her back.

Blood was flowing from a wound on her left temple. She must've hit it in a sharp edge of a table when she collapsed.

Jesy's eyes were closed, lips slightly parted. Her already pale skin had become paler. Now, she was whiter than a sheet. She looked even sicker.

"Baby, are you okay? Can you hear me?" I asked worriedly.

The faux ginger didn't respond, nor did she show any signs she could hear me. Jesy remained still, totally out of it.

When I couldn't see any rise or fall of her chest, I placed my ear slightly above her mouth and aimed my eyes at her chest. Her breathing was shallow, her chest barely rose or fell.

"Is she breathing?" Jade asked.

"Barely" I replied sadly.

Sitting upright, I placed one hand on her warm forehead and two fingers at the point of her chin, then I tilted her head back. Mouth-to-mouth was always a good thing to do when someone barely breathed.

All of a sudden, she started to convulse rather violently and foam at the mouth. I let go of her immediately, knew I could hurt her if I held her down.

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled.

Several restaurant visitors picked up their phones to call the emergency number. I'd call an ambulance myself, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to speak properly with my girlfriend having a violent seizure right in front of me.

As the faux ginger convulsed, she hit her head repeatedly against the hard floor. The seizure only seemed to worsen with each passing second, Jesy needed the ambulance to come now!

Jade reached out her hands, on her way to grab ahold of Jesy's convulsing body. Not wanting my girlfriend to dislocate a shoulder or break a bone, I slapped Jade's hands away. "You can hurt her."

The older Geordie sent me a confused look, but didn't protest. Instead, she aimed her Bambi-brown eyes at the oldest Little Mix-member. Seeing tears well up in Jade's warm, brown eyes, I snaked my arm around her waist in a comforting manner.

"An ambulance is on the way" Leigh-Anne said softly.

Hearing that comforted me a little bit. But not much. It was hard to find comfort or even relax when people you loved and cared about were in a condition that could be life-threatening.

Two or three minutes later, the seizure started to wear off. Jesy stopped producing foam as well. Eventually, the seizure stopped completely. But she didn't wake up. She remained unconscious.

After ten eternal minutes, the ambulance finally arrived. The restaurant visitors got out of the way so two male paramedics could come through with a stretcher and medical equipment. Leigh-Anne, Jade and I made room for them as well.

Introducing themselves as Will and Bryan, they sat down next to my unconscious girlfriend. They shone a light into her eyes with a tiny flashlight, took her pulse, listened to her heart and measured her blood pressure.

"What's her name?" Will asked.

"Jessica, but we call her Jesy" I replied.

Will flashed me a weak smile, then he aimed his grey eyes at Jesy. "Jesy, my name is Will. Me and my partner Bryan are paramedics and we are going to take care of you. If you can hear me, can you move your fingers?"

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