Chapter 9

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We weren't supposed to do the show at Nationwide Arena tonight. Neither of us wanted to, we wanted to be with Jesy. But our stupid manager didn't care. She said it was more important to give our American Mixers a show to remember than wait for Jesy to wake up.

How we were going to perform as good as we usually do, I didn't know. Performing as a threesome was difficult. A lot more difficult than people thought. It wasn't just to decide who would sing what. It was so much more than that. We had to change our set and adjust to the changes rather quickly. Adjusting to new things in the last minute was not easy. Far from.

Fortunately, we had performed as a threesome a couple of times before, so we knew we were capable of giving our fans a good show even though one member was missing.

"Okay girls, it's time to go on stage. Good luck!"

Doing our usual pre-concert-routine, we walked up the stairs when the intro to Salute filled the packed arena. The fans screamed at the top of their lungs as they jumped excitedly on the spot. I flashed a gang of teenage girls a smile. An excited, loud crowd was the best crowd you could have.

Tears of both joy and sadness welled up in my eyes when I gazed over the crowd and saw all the "We love you, Jesy"-posters. It was super sweet of them to show Jesy love although she wasn't here tonight to witness it.

Leigh-Anne sang the first part of the song, which was originally Jesy's part. And she did it well. Oh, so well. She killed it. Jesy would've been so proud of her.

Throughout the show, we took turns on who'd sing Jesy's parts in all of the songs. And it went better than we could've imagined. The show was just as good tonight as the previous shows before Jesy got sick had been.

"Thank you so much for tonight, Columbus! You've been an amazing crowd. We love you!"

Blowing kisses to as many people in the crowd as possible, we said "we love you" one last time, then we exited the stage and headed backstage.


After we finished our set, showered and changed into hoodies and sweatpants, we headed straight to the hospital. To our great relief, the traffic was very light. It didn't take more than twenty minutes until we reached our desired destination.

Exiting the vehicle, we pulled our hoods up and kept our heads down. Paparazzis had lurked in the corners and in bushes ever since they found out which hospital Jesy was at. Luckily, they hadn't snapped any good pictures of us. Yet.

We covered our faces when we went outside, avoided the paparazzis and the cameras at all costs. Neither of us wanted to be photographed when we all looked like we'd walked through hell and back.

Doctors acknowledged our arrival by either smiling or nodding their heads at us. Jade and Leigh-Anne stopped in the waiting room to take some pictures with fans, who managed to smile although they were sick or injured and in need of medical attention.

I would've stopped and taken some pictures with them as well, but I figured that could wait for another time. I was here for one reason and one reason only. And that reason was my girlfriend, who I one day hoped to make my wife.

After I've made her my wife, I'll make her the mother to our children. She'd be an amazing mum.

The thought of mini-me's and mini-Jesy's running around our future house caused my lips to curve into a smile. I couldn't wait for that day, when we had gotten married, had children and settled down in a beautiful house on the countryside.

Opening the door to her room, the smile on my face vanished in a matter of seconds. The faux ginger was still unconscious. And she still wore that stupid oxygen mask, which meant her condition hadn't gotten any better.

Feeling sadder than I'd felt in days, I made my way over to her bed. Like I'd done since the moment she was admitted, I climbed into her bed and laid down right next to her. Wrapping an arm around her fragile body, I pulled her closer to mine, wanted nothing more but have her close.

"Baby, why won't you wake up? I miss you. You've been unconscious for twenty-seven hours. It's about time you open your eyes and come back to me. I need you, you know. I can't be without you. I don't want to be without you."

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurred my vision slightly. My heart broke a little bit for every beat. If Jesy stayed like this any longer, I would die. My heart couldn't function properly when its other half was sick.

"I'm wearing your hoodie. And the heart locket necklace you gave me at the restaurant last night. I love it. The picture you chose to put inside the locket is one of my favourite pictures of you and I together."

Sniffling, I dried my tears with the back of my hand. But it was pointless. The tears just kept coming. And I was sure they'd keep flowing until Jesy open her eyes. As long as she was like this, unconscious and as cold as a recently deceased person, I'd cry. And I'd cry until there wouldn't be any tears left.

Just as a sob slipped from my lips, Jade and Leigh-Anne entered the room. With compassion swimming in their brown eyes, they made their way over to the bed. Both put a comforting hand on my thigh.

Their sweet gesture made me cry even more. I buried my face in Jesy's gorgeous ginger hair and held onto her tighter as the tears rolled down my wet, tear-stained cheeks. It felt as if there were demons inside my chest, shoving a knife into my heart and then twisting it around several times.

After a good ten minutes of crying my aching heart out, I eventually calmed down. Taking a deep breath, I laid my head on the big pillow and closed my eyes. Crying surely worn you out.

I shot my eyes open when I felt Jesy stir. Looking at the unconscious beauty, I could see that she was trying to wake up. Her eyes were moving under her eyelids and she moved her fingers.

"Follow my voice, baby. If you do that, you'll wake up. Focus on my voice, baby. Don't focus on anything else."

I grasped her hand while I kept talking to her, guiding her way out of the unconsciousness. Me talking to her seemed to help.

Before I knew the word of it, the faux ginger fluttered her eyes open. At first, she looked confused but when she saw me, Jade and Leigh-Anne, a smile that didn't quite reach up to her eyes appeared on her face.

"Welcome back, baby" I smiled.

"Where...have...I...been?" Jesy asked tiredly.

"You've been unconscious for twenty-seven hours" Jade explained softly.

"Yeah, you've been asleep for a while" Leigh-Anne chimed in.

"" Jesy asked.

"At the hospital" Jade replied simply.

"" She asked, confused.

"You had a seizure yesterday" I told her calmly.

She knitted her eyebrows. "Why?"

"We don't know, baby. Doctor Manning and Doctor Halstead are trying to figure that out. They'll know why you are so sick in a few days."

Jesy looked like she wanted to keep talking with us, but that she was too tired to do so. Flashing us a weak smile, her brown-greenish eyes once again fluttered closed. A bit disappointed she wasn't awake for so long, I snuggled closer to her body.

"I love you, Jesy."

I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, then I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck and closed my eyes.

This time I fell asleep with a smile on my face. My Jesy had finally woken up. She had come back to me, even if it just was for a few short minutes.

Is it okay if I give you guys the double update tomorrow? I have an exam tomorrow at 1 PM, which I haven't studied for because I forgot about it, and the clock is 11:30 PM right now and I really need to study before I go to bed. Hope you don't mind ❤️️


These Wings Are Made To Fly || PesyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora