Chapter 4

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Early on Tuesday morning I dragged Jesy to Mount Carmel Medical Group TriVillage, a doctor's office in Columbus, Ohio. She protested all the way here, called me names, threatened to break up with me, said I was a lousy girlfriend for forcing her to visit the doctor when "nothing's wrong. I'm stressed out is all". Good for me but bad for her, LM HQ, the Mix Men, and Jade and Leigh-Anne all agreed on taking Jesy to the doctor, because something was clearly wrong with her. You'd be a fool if you couldn't see that. With their opinion on the matter, the faux ginger reluctantly agreed on visiting a doctor.

Doctor Robins thought we made a good decision to take her here, but she couldn't find anything specifically wrong with the faux ginger. She asked questions about her symptoms and performed a neurological examination on Jesy, which didn't go as well as we hoped for. Still, Doctor Robins said the exact same thing my girl had told me since the start, that she's stressed due to the life she's living. I, for one, was not satisfied with that answer. I knew that stress wasn't the reason my girl had intense headaches, nausea, threw up, slept almost all the time, forgot song lyrics, forgot our names, etc. Stress couldn't have all those effects. If it could, then Leigh-Anne, Jade and I would go through the exact same things Jesy's been going through for the past two weeks.

"I understand that you're worried, Miss Edwards, but nothing indicates that something would be wrong with Miss Nelson. She passed the neurological examination with flying colours" Doctor Robins said.

"She did not pass the examination with 'flying colours'. For Christ's sake, she couldn't keep her balance, her reaction ability has decreased significantly, her sense of touch is reduced, she doesn't remember what she did last week, she can't think logically. Want me to go on?" I asked as I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair.

"Like I said, there is nothing to worry about. Miss Nelson is fine. All she needs is some rest."

Clearly done with listening to me, the black-haired doctor turned to Jesy. She told her to get lots of rest and drink plenty of cold and hot drinks. Handing my ill girlfriend a package of Advil, she dismissed us.

"Why can't you just give her a CT-scan, Doctor Robins?" I asked, defeat rushing through my veins because of my failure to make the so-called doctor realize my girl was ill and needed professional treatment.

"Because she doesn't need one. You're worried for nothing" Doctor Robins smiled.

"Exactly what I've told her, Doctor, but she doesn't listen" Jesy chimed in.

"I'm worried for nothing? Any other doctor would give Jesy a CT-scan. Any other doctor would find her symptoms alarming. But I guess doctors are different from country to country. And, you, Doctor Robins..." a joyless laugh slipped from my lips as I grabbed ahold of the white coat collar, "Should have your license taken away" I said, venom dripping from my tongue like honey.


Before Doctor Robins had a chance to react to what I just did, Jesy carelessly yanked me away by my arm. Grabbing ahold of my hand, she squeezed it so hard I thought she'd break every bone in it.

"Thank you for your time, Doctor Robins. We appreciate it. Have a nice day!" Jesy smiled.

With that being said, Jesy led me out of the organized office. Patients in the waiting room sent us curious looks when we walked past them. Out on the street, outside the building, Jesy let go of my hand.

A crimson colour painted her cheeks. Her brown/greenish eyes shot daggers. Looking at me as if I had murdered her family, she grabbed ahold of my collar and pushed me up against the cold brick wall.

"What's wrong with you, huh?! You force me to go see a doctor and when I do, you question everything the doctor says and tells her she should have her license taken away! Perrie, you don't do such things, especially not to people who try to help!" She screamed furiously.

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