Chapter 8

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Doctor Natalie Manning and Doctor Will Halstead appeared in Jesy's room quarter to seven in the morning, wishing to speak to me. Reluctantly, I climbed out of the pretty comfortable hospital bed and followed the two doctors out of the room.

"We apologize for disturbing you so early in the morning, Miss Edwards, but we have a few questions we would like to ask you" Doctor Manning said calmly.

"Can I help you help Jesy if I answer your questions?" I asked tiredly.

"You can" Doctor Halstead said softly.

"Okay then, shoot" I smiled.

Doctor Manning cleared her throat. "Has Miss Nelson complained of headaches?"

"Yes, she's had headaches for a little over two weeks now..."

I told them about the headaches, the nausea, the throwing up, her speech difficulty, her time-to-time memory loss, and that she didn't feel anything when she stepped on broken glass.

Both looked extremely worried by the time I finished answering their questions and telling them about these last few weeks. Seeing them worried, worried me.

"Well, now that we know more about Miss Nelson, we know what we're going to do to find out what's troubling her. Thank you so much for your time, Miss Edwards. Doctor Halstead and I appreciate it" Doctor Manning said kindly.

Wishing me a good rest of the morning, the two doctors made their way to another room. Most likely to check on another patient.

Yawning, I walked back to my girlfriend's room. I closed the door behind me, didn't feel like listening to screaming patients or seeing stressed out doctors run back and forth to take care of the people that needed it.

Jade and Leigh-Anne slept soundly on the ugly, green couch. They were spooning, Leigh-Anne was the big spoon and Jade was the little. They looked like a couple. A very cute couple.

With a faint smile on my face, I climbed into the hospital bed. Leigh-Anne, Jade and I had a radio interview at WNCI 97.9 at 10 AM, and I wanted to sleep a little more until then, just so I wouldn't look like a sleep-deprived monster.

Nuzzling my face into the crook of Jesy's neck, I whispered "I love you", then I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall back to sleep.


The interviewer, whose name I learnt was Henry, made my blood boil. His arrogance and cocky attitude really got to me. This past half-hour, he'd asked questions about Jesy being hospitalized and made jokes about it.

He didn't ask us about Dangerous Woman Tour, touring with Ariana Grande, our experience in America, or how we felt about the success of our fourth album Glory Days. He didn't even bother to ask if Jesy was okay.

I had to put in a lot of effort to keep myself from saying something very inappropriate. I didn't want to give the people that already hated my guts another reason to hate me. I dealt with enough hate as it was, I didn't need more of it. Especially not now.

"So Jade, share with the group, what has been your favourite moment from the Dangerous Woman Tour so far?"

Fucking finally, a real question, I thought bitterly.

Henry must've noticed he aggravated us by making inappropriate jokes about our bandmate, sister, best friend, and girlfriend. About time he stopped being a freaking arse. If he had kept being the arrogant arsehole he was, I would've punched him the face without a second thought and then left.

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