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Six Months Ago

His legs and arms jerked against the cuffs that held him down. It would bring a sting of pain to the bruising rings around his ankles and wrists. The metal slab he was on sent icy shivers down his naked body. Sweat dribbled down the man's face as his eyes darted all around the room.

The walls were painted black and had no windows. On the walls hung all kinds of torture devices. From knives to hammers, there are all sorts of weapons. They were bloodstained yet very few were clean enough to shine against the single lightbulb's light.

He could faintly see the outline of a door in his peripheral vision. Every day, She would come into the room through that door. The look of insanity was clear on her face as she looked into his eyes. She always smiled at his pain as she tortured him.

Footsteps began to echo through the silence. They were light, that of a female. He recognized them as her own. It was the only peaceful thing about her.

The door opened with a creaky squeal of the door hinge. No light came from the hallway She came from. He could smell the fresh air of the outside. It felt like years since he actually smelled any clean air.

A face appeared, hovering over his own face. She was younger than him, maybe in her late teens, and was very beautiful. Disheveled, silver-gray hair cascaded down her head. Soft grey-blue eyes that gleams insanity stared into his blue ones. A big smile was on her face when she noticed the fear on his face.

"Good morning." she greeted in a sing-song voice. "Of course, you wouldn't know that from being in here for so long." she added with a light giggle. Her fingers trace the sides of his face, carefully examining the overgrown beard and the many cuts she gave him. "Too bad you are outgrowing your use for me." she said with a pout.

Fear shot through the man's heart at that statement. If he could speak through the gag, he would beg for his life.

She tilts her head in curiousness as he struggled and whimpered through his gag. "I thought you stopped talking. I guess not." she said. Her smile grew wider, revealing pearl white teeth that reminded him of the wolf pretending to be red riding hood's grandmother. "All the better." she whispered.

Turning away from him, showing off her naked back and butt, she begins to look over her many tools hanging off the wall. Various scars and burns trailed down her back. It revealed many years of abuse she must've endured.

"Ah!" she said as she finally picks something. Coming back into view, she reveals that what she had in her hands was a metal rattle like object with a long thin body and a round head with small holes inserted in it. She caressed the body of the bulbous wand very fondly like a child. "Do you know what this is?" she asked.

He was barely able to move his head as he shook it. "Of course not. It is called the 'Lead Sprinkler'. A torturing device that burns its victims through these little holes," she explained, poking at the small holes. "If I continue using this on you, you will die an excruciating death." she finished with a sinister smile on her face. "Hope you enjoy boiling hot water that'll scald your skin at the touch."

The man got a second wind of strength and thrashed against his restraints. He tried to speak through the gag but only choked against it.

"Too late to struggle, Dad. It's too late." she spoke in a whisper.

His daughter turns around and bends down to pick something up that was laying on the floor. She made a gruff groan as she lifts up a pot that was obviously full of water. Placing it on the metal slab right next to her father's left leg, she stirs the water with the Lead Sprinkler. "It's still bubbling a little so that's good." she said to herself as she dips the device into the pot and waits till it fills itself up.

"I'm pretty sure you regret tormenting me for all those years now." she said, making eye contact with him. "You know what, why don't I hear you speak. You must have a lot on your mind."

Leaving the Lead Sprinkler in the pot, she reaches for the gag wrapped around his head and pulls it out of his mouth. Almost instantly, her father started screaming.

"Let me go, you insane bitch!" he screamed furiously. "After all I did for you, this is how you repay me?" he demanded.

Her eyes cut like stone, revealing the burning anger under all of that insanity. "You burned my skin with your cigarettes! You whipped me with a fucking belt! I cried every night, trying to think of a way to please you!" she screamed in his face. "After so many years of torture, I found the truth," she spoke in a soft tone. "You are not my father." she stated.

All together, her would-be father stopped moving. He stared at her in shock. "How did you know?" he asked. "Before Momma died, she left me a note that explained everything. You are my stepfather, not my biological." she said.

"You took advantage of me after she died! You hurt me because I wasn't your damn daughter!"

Grabbing the Lead Sprinkler, she lifts it out of the pot and they both watch as scalding hot water drip out of the many tiny holes. "Now it's time for you to pay!" she growled before dangling the Sprinkler over her step father's face.

His face sizzled as the hot water fell on to his face. Her father shrieked in pain as it got into his eyes and up his nose. Insane laughter echoed in his ears through his shrieks as he tried to break through the cuffs holding him down. Skin split and bubbled as the heat soak deep into the flesh. Blood dripped down the sides of his face and clogged the insides of his ears.

Blinded by nothing but pain and darkness, he began to beg,"Please! I'm sorry!" His voice was garbled and weak from all the screaming. "I promise I'll never do it again!"

"Of course not. You'll be dead." she said happily.



There was a whistling noise as a butcher knife cut through the air and sank into his face. It was like cutting a cantaloupe in half. One heavy slice and everything comes out.

Willow smiled at the sight. Her stepfather was bound to the table and covered in wounds that she inflicted. The burns were a nice touch if she said so herself. Now that she is finally free of him, she can leave this life behind.

"Finally," she whispered. "I am free of any torture. If only my future victims will say the same." she sneered, thinking of the unknown people that will fall by her hand. 'My father's death isn't enough to cure this rage. I must continue; to rid this world of the awful men such as him.'

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