Chapter 21: Kiss

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He has been a police officer for barely a week and he's already on the biggest case of his life. At least, for him it was.

Michaela drove them all to Sarah's house and were greeted with the flashing police lights and news crews. Neighbors tried to see through everything with their phones. Cody couldn't keep himself business professional and practically plows through the crowd to get to the house. Luckily, he still had his uniform on.

Crime scene investigators were exiting the house as his fellow officers were interviewing neighbors. It made everything more real than it already is. He felt like he might collapse.

"Cody?" spoke up someone from behind.

He turns around to find Aaric standing there with a disheveled look on his face. His hair was ruffled and bags were under his eyes. "Aaric? What are you doing here? You work in homicide not kidnapping cases." Cody said in surprise. "What are you doing here? You are off the clock." Aaric said confused.

"Sarah Elias is my mother." Cody said in distress. "Now tell me what happened." he demanded.

There was some surprise on Aaric's face for a second but it disappeared just as quickly. "The neighbor went outside to collect her mail and noticed your mother's pet iguana outside. So she was returning the pet and discovered the place in disarray." he explained as he gestures to Mrs. Heatherly, a middle aged woman with graying brown hair. She was like the mother of all of the neighborhood kids and gave the best candy for Halloween.

"Was there any signs of Sarah?" Cody asked straight to the point. "No. There were signs of a struggle that may have been made by her and one other person." Aaric said. "Now, I don't want to ask this but it's protocol," Aaric began sadly. "Do you know if Sarah had any enemies?" he asked, taking out a pad and pen.

'No, you dumbass. She was kidnapped by a serial killer because I was closing in on the bitch!' Cody screamed mentally.

"No, she didn't." suddenly spoke up Adrian. "She was the nicest woman anyone could ever know."

Aaric and Cody look at Adrian and saw that he was wearing latex gloves. "I'm going to help the forensics crew." he told Cody and gave him a reassuring pat. "Nighte, what are you doing here?" Aaric demanded coldly. The killer glanced at Aaric with a dull look. "I happen to know Sarah as well." he said. "Cody and I know each other." he added with a sneer before heading into the house.

If Cody even cared about what Adrian said, he would've reprimanded the man. He didn't notice Aaric's stunned look on his face. "Can I work on the case? I want to help catch whoever took my mom."

"Cody, this is too personal for you. It'll blind your judgment." Aaric said intently. "I'm going to talk to the captain and ask if you can go on sabbatical. You can't work with this news hanging over your head."

A glare that could've killed anyone replaced Cody's worried look. He glared darkly at Aaric as if he was the kidnapper themselves. "I need to work this case, Aaric. After what happened with my damn uncle, I can't have her in danger again." Cody said. "If I lose her, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Nothing is going to happen to her! I promise that!" Aaric assured. He clasps Cody's shoulders and made direct eye contact with him. Brown clashed with brown. Cody wished to believe Aaric but knew that the chances are slim by each passing day.

If he's going to get Sarah back, he's going to need to think like a killer.


"You didn't have to drop me off. I could've had a friend of mine take me home." Cody said as he steps out of the silver Buick. He was a little drunk from the drinks he had but still felt sober enough to order a cab or something. 'I should've had Michaela wait or waited for Adrian.'

"Nonsense," spoke Aaric as he locks his car. "You shouldn't be by yourself right now. I'll just drop you off at your door and I'll leave." he said with a smile.

Cody understood that since Aaric is his partner that they should look out for one another. But he can't have the older man around if he's going to get his mother's kidnapper himself. Once Adrian returns from helping the CIs, the two will get to work.

The two walked silently into the lobby and entered the empty elevator. "You still could've dropped me off at the curb." Cody said jokingly. "Why? You want to get away from me or something?" Aaric asked, acting like he was insulted but the look in his eyes showed that he was joking as well. The two shared a quick laugh but descended back into silence.

With a ding, the elevator reaches Cody's floor. They exited the elevator and headed to Cody's door. "Thanks anyway, Aaric. It's been a really tough day." Cody said sincerely. "I understand, Cody. Just know that I will make sure that your mother gets home unharmed." Aaric promised. The two shared a brief glance at each other before they quickly look away.

Cody takes out his keys and unlocks his door. 'I swear if someone is in my apartment again, I will blow a damn casket.' he thought as he opens the door. There were no lights on nor any sign of people from where he stood. "Well, this is my stop." he said awkwardly as he turns to face Aaric.

"Cody," Aaric began. "Can I ask you about your relationship with Adrian Nighte?" he questioned.

Confusion and slight suspicion filled Cody besides the alcohol. He crosses his arms and glares at Aaric. "He and I used to date when I was in high school. Is that a problem?" Cody asked angrily. "Do you have something against homosexuals?"

The panic on Aaric's face almost made Cody laugh. He had to keep a straight face as Aaric denied the accusations. "No, I don't! I'm just suspicious about the man." Aaric confessed. "Suspicious?" Cody asked confused. Aaric sighed as he runs his fingers through his silver hair. "It's hard to explain. But I am going to tell you this: be wary of him." he warned.

'That's an understatement.' Cody thought as he nodded. "He's always been an ass anyway." he mentioned with a drunken laugh.

The two looked at one another and laughed in agreement. They locked eyes and their laughter died. For a second, something unspoken transferred between the two. Before Cody knew it, Aaric leans in and presses their lips together.

It was as shocking as when Adrian kissed Cody. He was full of fear back then. This felt completely different. Maybe it was the booze or the fact that Aaric wasn't a psychopath. Cody couldn't stop himself from responding to the kiss. It felt like a fire was growing hotter and hotter inside the pit of his stomach and spreading faster.

The aggressiveness in the kiss softened to a pleasurable sensation. Cody felt Aaric's arms wrap firmly around his waist and was pulled closer so that their chests were pressed together. It has been awhile since he's had sex. But he knew that doing this wasn't right.

Cody broke off the kiss before it could've gotten any hotter. He and Aaric were both panting as if they were on the sun. "Aaric, I don't know why you kissed me but this can't happen." Cody said awkwardly. His cheeks were inflamed. It felt like it was his first kiss all over again.

Seeming to adjust himself, Aaric nods. "I understand. I am sorry, I don't know what came over me." he said with a cough. "If I were you, I'd leave." Cody said, trying to act as calm as possible. "Please don't come near me again . . . if you know what's good for you." he mumbled the last part.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Aaric asked suspiciously. He grabbed Cody by the arm and asks,"Is there something you're not telling me?" Without saying anything, Cody pushes Aaric back and enters his apartment. "Goodnight, Aaric." he said before shutting the door.

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