Chapter 28: Sides

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Watching Adrian fall down the stairs by his own hands was gut-wrenching. He beat Adrian till blood came out of his mouth and didn't wait for him to fight back. Using all of his anger in the punches, Cody didn't hesitate in pushing the man down he stairs. He'll regret it later.

Cody already had a plan on getting his family back. Except it involved Adrian not knowing what it was. He needed it to look convincing. Plus, Willow didn't know who Adrian really was.

Slamming the door shut, he turns back toward Willow. She was in a crouching position with a knife grasped in her hand. Scratches and bruises covered herself from Michaela and maybe Sarah. The way she stood reminded Cody of a trapped animal ready to pounce. Even himself after Michael kidnapped him.

Cody and Adrian had snuck into the house after parking around the curb so that they wouldn't be spotted. They were armed and ready to attack. Willow was in the living room preparing some kit when they stormed into the room. Only, when Adrian least expected it, Cody turned the tables on his ally and took him down. Now he's going toe to toe with another killer by himself.

The first time he met her, she acted nervous and tried not to get his attention. He would've thought she was any normal girl if it wasn't for the attack on that robber. Seeing her as she is now was like looking into a funhouse mirror.

"Let's get this over with, Willow." Cody said angrily as he faces her. The wild look in her eyes matched Michael's all those years ago. "How the fuck did you find me?" Willow demanded. "It wasn't that hard. You took Michaela's car and she always leaves her phone in there." Cody gloated. He could see her internally cringe at her own stupidity.

Quickly straightening herself, Willow keeps her knife aimed at him. "What do you want? You're a cop, you should be arresting me." she stated the obvious. "True. But right now, I'm not in the 'good cop' mood." Cody said darkly. He takes his gun out and aims it at Willow. "So I'm gonna to make you a deal."



"Nothing seems to be broken. Just badly bruised." Sarah assessed as she pokes and prods Adrian's body. She pushes against his rib cage, squeezes his legs and arms. Nothing hurt him that might be from a broken bone.

Adrian winced as Sarah presses on his bruises. His father once pushed him down a flight of stairs. It took a long time for his bones to heal. His bones were stronger now that he was actually being fed. (He was practically skin and bones as a teenager.)

"Enough chit chat! Now Adrian," Michaela began as she grabs Adrian's face and makes him look at her. Bruised face to bruised face. "What the hell do you mean that Cody betrayed you?" she finished. She was giving him an accusatory look, seeming to believe that Adrian was to blame.

"I don't know. One second we are confronting Willow and the next . . . he's punching me." Adrian explained, his mind replaying the scene.

Cody was confronting Willow since he was an officer of the law. He had his gun at the ready, hanging at his hip with a finger on he trigger. Adrian was standing behind Cody, waiting for anything to happen. (He was also watching the man's ass because he has a fine one.)

He couldn't see the look on Cody's face but something must've changed because Willow didn't look that afraid. That was when Cody attacked.

Placing his gun back in its holster, Cody attacked. Being trained in the academy, Cody knew various ways to take down a perpetrator. It took a firm elbow to the gut to be caught off guard. Adrian cried out as he stumbled back from Cody, but the cop pursued him. Pain exploded all over his face as he was punched repeatedly. He heard and felt a crack come from his nose after a strong punch.

Stumbling to the floor, Adrian struggled to breathe as blood gushed down his face. "Cody! What the hell?!" he demanded, speaking through a mouth full of blood. He snarled like a rabid dog as he glared at Cody.

A stone cold look was on Cody's face as he stared down at Adrian. "Once I'm done with her. You're next." Cody said with an evil smile.

Adrian blinks a few times as he shakes off the horrid flashback. The rest was a blur after being thrown down the steps. Thank god he didn't get stabbed by his own knife during the fall.

'My knife!' Adrian thought. He scans the room with the very little light he had. "Where's my knife?" he asked as he began to crawl around, searching for his weapon. "Right here." spoke up Sarah.

Looking up, Adrian blanched when he saw the mother figure holding one of his prized possessions: his father's knife. It was the only thing he had of the old man. He used it as a memorabilia but also as a weapon. Crappy man, but had a good taste in hunting weapons.

"Why do you have such a weapon?" Sarah asked as she hands him the knife. "I'll answer that when we are free from danger." Adrian said quickly as he struggled to stand up. His ribs screamed in pain and his legs wobbled in resistance. "I don't care why Cody kicked me down the stairs; he's going to need our help." he said as he began ascending up the stairs. "And when we get out of this mess, I'm gonna beat his ass."

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