Chapter 16: Return to Work

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'I never thought I would wear formal clothes again,' Adrian thought as he views himself in front of the mirror. He replaced his usual jeans, t-shirt, and boots with a white dress shirt, brown slacks, and loafers. It's been a long time since he dressed this way.

"I look like some private school boy." Adrian said to himself as he brushes his hair.

The man in the mirror was so different from the man looking at him. One man looked innocent and decent. While the other is a monster.

Replacing his facial rings, he rubs the empty spaces. He's used to wearing his rings so it felt very odd. Almost as odd as what he was about to do. Adrian takes a deep breath before collecting his satchel and leaving his apartment.

He doesn't take the elevator but walks down to the apartment below him. If he was correct, Cody should be awake by now. Just as he raises his fist to knock on the door, it opens up to reveal a rather tired Cody. The man himself froze before his face met Adrian's raised palm. His tiredness changed to annoyance almost immediately.

"Couldn't you have gone without me?" he asked snippy. His left eye made a familiar twitch that Adrian knew meant that Cody was ready to swing. "I thought we'd go together." Adrian said with a smile. "There is a killer out there." he added jokingly. "There is a killer in front of me." Cody growled before locking his door and marching to the elevator.

The two entered the elevator in silence and stayed that way the whole way down. It's been this way since last night after Adrian, Cody, and Michaela set their plan together.

Michaela was in charge of spying on her guest to see if she might strike again and was indeed a killer. Cody planned to use his new resources to investigate the girl. And Adrian was going to examine the body to find any evidence. One way or another, they were taking down another killer.

"So how exactly does a medical examiner become a bouncer at a club?" Cody asked skeptically. Adrian almost laughed aloud. He took Cody to the club he worked at. It was the most hilarious situation ever. Never has Cody once been in a nightclub and he came out completely horrified and buzzed. Mostly horrified. Cody practically kept close to Adrian the whole night.

"Best thing I could get on short notice. Plus the tips are good when desperate men want to get in." Adrian responded. "Also I get to beat anyone up if they get too frisky." he added with a smirk.

When the doors finally open, Adrian heard Cody whisper,"Like you do whenever we're alone." And he swore there was a slight smirk on Cody's face when he said that. "Only I beat you up."

Adrian's jaw dropped as he watched the cop walk away. "That is not true!" he denied before briskly following after Cody. "Oh it is!" Cody disagreed. "Remember when you got frisky that night with Sarah? Not only did I have to keep my crotch covered the whole night, I made sure to lock you out of my room!" he growled at Adrian as they exited the building.

The two walked down the block toward the precinct. Again, an uncomfortable silence was shared upon them. It stayed that way the entire walk.

When they entered the building, all personnel stopped and stared when they caught sight of Adrian. Recognition and surprise was on their faces. Adrian could tell how Cody wished that they weren't next to each other with the look on his face. So he did so.

"Good morning, Doris! Oh, it has been so long since I have seen you!" Adrian greeted pleasantly to the receptionist. A real smile grew on his face when he saw the woman. If he had the ability to switch mothers, he would've chosen Doris. She was just a sweet lady.

Doris was pleased as well when she saw Adrian. "Adrian! I was wondering if the rumors were true!" she said. She jumps out of her seat and runs around her desk. "Come here!" she urged him with a wave of her hand. Adrian laughed as he lets the smaller woman hug him. One thing for sure is that she is strong. They shared a long hug without a care.

Glancing back at Cody, he noticed the man looked rather irritated. Cody didn't actually look at them but Adrian recognized that look anywhere. He usually gets it when someone talks to Adrian. Cody was jealous.

Breaking away from Doris, Adrian smiles down at the woman. "I have to go, but I hope to catch up soon." he said. "I hope you didn't kick your husband out without me knowing!" he joked with a wink. Doris giggled like a schoolgirl. "If I did, you would be the first one to know." she winked back.

Adrian was suddenly grabbed by the back of the collar and yanked backwards. "Morning, Doris." Cody greeted with some strain. Adrian felt the cop's fingers latch onto his neck, digging his nails into his skin. It sent a pleasant thrill through his body when he was reminded of their nights together. Cody was a clawer. And a biter.

"Adrian, we need to get you reinstated before you start work." Cody reminded him. "Otherwise, why are you here?" he hissed in his ear before walking off. His words were full of malice but Adrian read something else in the way Cody walked. 'Hmm,' Adrian thought as he watched Cody's ass. 'This'll be even more fun than I realized.'

After saying goodbye to Doris, Adrian heads to Captain Royce's office. He waved at a few familiar faces as he walked by. The best way at keeping a low profile while being a serial killer is to be both friendly and reserved. They knew him but not personally.

He walked passed Cody but he was conversing with Aaric. The detective had a smile on his face as he talked to Cody. It made Adrian sick. When he first met Aaric, he was just trying to make nice until Adrian started doing detective work on his own. Now the two were at each other's throats.

Aaric catches Adrian's eye and frowns with his eyes though his face remained placid. A taunting smile grew on his face and he waved at Aaric. 'Keep your paws off of my Cody and I won't put you on my list behind this Willow bitch.' Adrian thought as he reaches Royce's office.

"Let's catch a killer." he mumbled to himself before entering the office.

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