Chapter 18: Investigate

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Three hours.

It took Adrian three hours to feel like slaughtering everyone in the damn room.

Returning to his old office started out just fine. He reminisced with some co-workers that didn't get on his nerves, got his old desk back, and already got the file on the dismember case. But it ended when his old boss arrived. Marcus Snider, Ph.d in psychology, doctorate in anatomy, and bachelor's degree in biology. One of the most successful doctors in his field. And the thorn stuck in Adrian's ass and not his thigh.

Adrian went over the pictures that were taken at the scene. 'Amanda knows how to take her pictures,' he thought, glancing at one of the medical assistants. Amanda Sterling, worked at taking pictures at crime scenes and collecting samples. They nicknamed her Amanda Waller for her hardcore attitude.

Looking back at the photos, he views the wounds on the man's throat. The cut was clean and smooth, slicing the carotid artery by the looks of it but wasn't clear enough. Adrian would need to view the body up close to make a further analysis on the killer. Especially if it is indeed this Willow girl.

'Cody should be interrogating the woman now.' Adrian thought as he gets up from his desk and heads to the morgue.

The floor where all the CSIs work is above the station. One side of the floor is where all of the desks are while the other side was the morgue. There were large windows surrounding the entire morgue and had a single door that is the only exit.

Personally, Adrian preferred the morgue so that he can let his psycho-self out. The best place for him to be himself.

He grabs one of the lab coats that hung on a bunch of hooks outside of the doorway. All lab personnel were required to wear them in case there was any blood spray. Sometimes he borrows the most used up ones that were going to waste for his 'nightly outings'.

Slipping his key card through the slot in the electric pad, he waits for the beep before pushing the door open. The room smelled like floor cleaner and artificial lemon. He's more used to rotting corpses more than bleach. Adrian puts on a pair of latex gloves and headed to the body fridges.

He looks over the names in the slots and finds the name 'Lewis Tuckerman' in black letters. 'Let's see what this killer has done,' he thought in preparation as he opens the door and pulls the body out. A thin white sheet covered the corpse. Once the wheels stopped turning and the body laid still, Adrian pulls the sheet off of the man's head.

The skin was a bluish gray. Cold to the touch. His wounds were wide open. Adrian has never seen something so beautiful.

The open wounds on the man's stomach were cleanly cut. No jagged edges from the tools used. "Impressive work." he said aloud to himself as he began his examination of the body. His boss handled keeping the body in perfect order while Adrian handled the examination. The one thing the two can agree on so that they didn't have to get into each other's hair.

Adrian noticed how the cut to the throat was too shallow for the man to bleed out. 'They slit his throat to add onto the fear.' he thought as he looks at the stomach. The word 'bastard' was written sloppily from an untrained hand. 'He was awake when they carved the letters; the bruises on his wrists show how he struggled greatly. He struggled. Tried to fight back.'

Before he could examine the hands, something caught his eye. He saw it from the gleam of the light. There was something laying on the man's right arm, stuck to the exposed epidermis layer. Adrian grabs one of the handheld magnifying lenses and leans in close.
Low and behold: a single strand of black hair.

'She wasn't careful enough,' Adrian thought gleefully. He takes a pair of tweezers and plucks the strand out from the body. 'Now we just need a sample of the girl's DNA and see if she is indeed the killer.'

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