Chapter 9: Rebound

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He knew immediately that someone had been in his apartment.

The couch pillows were on the floor, an empty glass of water rested on the coffee table, and he noticed a dirty plate as well. "I'm gonna kill the damn bastard." Cody growled as he sets his wallet and keys down on the kitchen counter.

'I've been in this apartment barely 24 hours and the bastard is already going through my stuff. Again.' Cody thought angrily. 'He could at least try to hide it all.'

His shift ended at five, just before rush hour. Though he didn't drive a car, he didn't want to be caught in any crowds. New York was crowded enough as it is. (His first week after being sent to a foster home in New York was hectic.)

Cody already made a few friends in the department: the receptionist,–who he now knows is named Rita–Aaric, and another young officer named Jamie Morgan. They were all good people. (Aaric is warming up to him) But he couldn't have them know anything about his connections with certain murders. (Or the fact that he used to date a serial killer)

A growl rumbled through Cody's throat as he sheds off his jacket before leaving his apartment. He runs up the stairs, stepping two at a time. His best guess is that Adrian lived in the apartment right above him. (He made sure to take notes on whatever Adrian said, just in case)

He makes it up the stairs and surveys the large hallway. It was similar to his own but the apartment numbers were different. Cody recalls his own hallway and where his apartment was placed to guess which apartment Adrian lived in. His eyes find the door to his left. It was a different number but same letter as his own. '32-D.' He read as he steps up and knocks harshly on the wooden door.

Cody's annoyance only grew more and more the longer he waited. His acute hearing could detect movement from the other side of the door. Unless Adrian wanted to agitate him even more and possibly have a broken door, he has to open the damn door!

Finally, the door opens to reveal a shirtless and wet-haired Adrian. It caught Cody off guard because he almost forgot why he was there. His eyes ended up staring at the six pack.

"What brings you here?" Adrian asked amused, bringing Cody back from the dead. Cody shot his head back up to stare at the murderer. A big smile was on his face as he stared back down at the younger male. Just the sight of the smile reminded Cody why he was there.

A snarl twisted Cody's face as he points accusingly at Adrian. "I warned you, Adrian." he growled. "I know for a fact that you have been in my apartment." Cody accused as he forced his way passed Adrian and into his home. "I don't know what you are talking about." Adrian said from behind, though his voice spoke of something else entirely.

"Bullshit!" Cody snapped as he spun around on his heel to glare at Adrian. "I've been here for barely 24 hours and you have already barged in." he growled angrily. "You could've at least cleaned up."

The amusement on Adrian's face disappeared as he glared back at Cody. His eyes became an icy blue, revealing a killing intent that Cody was familiar with. Adrian gave him the same look when he tried to kill him. It sent painful shivers down Cody's spine as he feared he crossed some line.

"I'm a man of habit, Cody. I haven't seen you in so long." Adrian spoke in a low voice. His fingers touch his forearm, his touch light like a feather. "I could've turned you in, Adrian. You're a murderer and I'm a cop. Not a good combination." Cody threatened as he backs away from Adrian's grasp. "You should be glad I'm not planning on doing it."

Suddenly, Cody finds himself with his back pressed against a wall. His breath was taken from his chest as he gasped from surprise. Adrian's face was dangerously close to his own. He could taste his breath on his tongue.

"You haven't told anyone who I really am because you still care for me." Adrian whispered. "I could've killed you this entire time, but I didn't." he pointed out. "Do you know why?" he questioned. Cody didn't break eye contact as he shook his head. He didn't want to show any fear or weakness.

Leaning in close so that their lips were just inches from touching, Adrian whispers,"It's because you make me burn inside that no one can." His teeth snag Cody's lower lip before shoving his tongue inside his mouth.

The warm feeling in Cody's stomach that was just a spark bursted into a raging fire. He couldn't stop himself from wrapping his arms around Adrian's neck and pulled the man closer. Their bodies grind against each other as one while Adrian dipped his fingers into Cody's jeans. The feel of his nails biting into his buttocks sent an old thrill building up inside of Cody.

Adrian broke away to send a trail of kisses down Cody's neck. His skin caught on fire with each wet kiss that settled on his skin. It has been so long since Cody had felt this . . . this feeling.

A growl rumbled through his throat as he shoves Adrian back and shoves him backwards. "If we are going to do this. We do it my way." Cody said determinedly. He keeps pushing Adrian back until they enter the murderer's bedroom. "Like the first time." Adrian joked with a smirk as he was pushed down onto his bed.

"Shut up." Cody snapped coldly as he begins to unbutton his shirt. He shrugs the article of clothing off his shoulders, revealing the many scars and strong muscles that defined his torso. The look Adrian was giving him defined lust and hunger.

"Show me how much you missed me." Cody ordered as he gives Adrian a firm kiss on the lips.

It was like a switch turned on inside of Adrian as he grabs Cody by the waist and flips him onto his back. Cody let out a gasp as he stared wide eyed at the murderer above him. He felt as if he was being stared at by a hungry lion. The look paralyzed Cody from where he laid.

Adrian dove into Cody's neck, attacking him with kisses and nips. His hands reach into Cody's pants, diving underneath his boxers. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to not fuck you?" Adrian hissed as he grasped on to the base of Cody's cock. Cody's mouth opened but no sound came out. He could feel his body growing very warm by the second.

"I will not let you go again." Adrian whispered as he yanks down Cody's trousers.

The primal desire building up inside of Cody sprang free as he wraps his legs around Adrian and pulls him close. "You better not." Cody hissed in his ear before biting down on Adrian's earlobe.

An eager smile grew on Adrian's face as he takes off his pants. 'He's hard already.' Cody thought as he stared at the older male. He notices the tattoo wrapped around Adrian's neck. It defined the man perfectly.

Bending down, Adrian gives Cody's length a long lick. The sight of his tongue and the feel of his cock twitching in pleasure made Cody writhe around. He bites down on his lip to keep himself from screaming as Adrian practically swallows his length.

His nails dig into the bedsheets as he feels a wet appendage run up and down his shaft. "Don't stop! Faster!" Cody begged as he wrapped his legs around Adrian's neck. It urged Adrian to go even faster.

'I should hate this man. I should be fucking arresting him.' Cody thought. 'He's a fucking killer.'

Adrian stops his sucking and looks at Cody in the eye. Saliva and Cody's own cum dripped down his lips. 'Why must he look at me like that?' Cody thought as Adrian crawls on top of him. His eyes were so blue. They reminded Cody of a pool of water.

Their lips met in a sloppy yet passionate kiss. Teeth and tongue were added in the mix. Cody wrapped his arms and legs around Adrian, afraid to let him go and realize he was never there. 'If we do get back together . . . I have to make sure no one ever finds out about his true self.'

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