Chapter 13: Lies and Truth

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She has never woken up from a better sleep in her life. For years, she slept with one eye open. Those nights were full of fear and rage that was left unsettled.

After last night's activities, she felt as if she woke up from sleeping on a cloud.

With a loud yawn, Willow sits up from her spot on the couch. Her hosts only had two bedrooms but the sofa she slept on was comfortable enough to sleep on. Opening her eyes, she looks at her surroundings as if she was seeing them for the first time. It was such a warm atmosphere; she felt so out of place.

Her nose twitches like a bunny's when she catches a whiff of food. A combination of bacon and eggs. Two things she rarely ate.

Climbing out of her 'bed', she straightens her back before walking into the kitchen.  She finds Emily busy fixing breakfast with a smile on her face. The woman's hair was tied up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face as she placed food on a plate. It reminded Willow of some dream she had when she wished her mother was still alive.

Emily must've heard her walk in because she picks up her head to look at who entered. The smile on her face grew when she saw that it was Willow. "Morning, Willow. I hope you're hungry." she greeted warmly.

"I could eat." Willow said with a shrug, trying to seem not that interested. Her stomach betrayed her though. It's grumbling was as loud as thunder. Neither said anything but they did smile a little.

"I made bacon and scrambled eggs. I don't have any classes today so you won't be by yourself today." Emily said as she hands Willow a plate. Just holding the plate made Willow's mouth water. "Thank you." she thanked before sitting down at the small dining table in the kitchen and digging in.

The food was just heaven. The eggs were nice and soft. The bacon was crunchy and chewy. A perfect breakfast she hasn't had in years.

"You're eating as if you haven't eaten in years." Emily joked as she sits down in the chair opposite of Willow. It brought a bitter taste to her mouth as she slows down her chewing. 'Not years . . . I usually go days without food because of my stepfather.' Willow thought. "Let's just say my eating habits weren't the best back home." she said. She chose not to notice Emily's worried look as she continued eating.

The sensation of being watched by those eyes of Emily's caused Willow to feel inadequate but also angry. She didn't need Emily's pity. Willow could've killed her and Michaela in their sleep if she wanted.

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" Emily asked suddenly.

Her hand paused in midair, her fork dangling there with eggs just in front of her mouth. Willow gulped nervously as she takes a bite before setting her fork down. 'I hoped this wouldn't happen.' she thought with a sigh. "Sure." she said regretfully.

"Before you . . . stabbed that man. I heard what you said. It sounded like you spoke from experience." Emily said. The tone of her voice revealed tension. She obviously wasn't comfortable talking. "I also heard the EMT at the scene explain that your attack on the man . . . was smooth and swift." she explained, her lip quivering as she was reminded of the awful day. Willow has never seen such fear. Her stepfather and her other victim showed a completely different emotion.


"I'm only asking this once. Did you intend to kill him?"

Willow didn't know how to respond. If she responded honestly, she might have to kill Emily to keep her secret. But lying might be worse.

Visibly gulping, Willow takes a small bite of one of strips of bacon. She straightens her back and looks directly into Emily's eyes. "I intended to stop him." Willow said, stretching the truth. "I didn't care if he survived or not."

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