Chapter 22: Sarah

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Pain shot through her skull like dozens of needles were digging down to her cerebral cortex. She cried out but it was muffled because half of her face was smothered by the mattress she was laying on. As the pain became a dull throbbing in her occipital lobe, she began to look at her surroundings.

Her eyes darted all around the barren room. The walls' wallpaper was falling apart, the floorboards were old and molding. Even the ceiling had cracks in it and looked ready to fall apart. Overhead lights were shining brightly but flickered from old age. There weren't any windows so she was guessing that she's probably in some basement. So she couldn't scream for help.

Sarah struggled against the rope that tied her ankles and wrists together. The rope connected together so she couldn't wriggle around without being at an odd angle. She needed something sharp to cut the rope that connected her ankles and wrists together.

Laying sideways on an old beaten mattress, Sarah struggled to keep her head up as she searched for anything. There wasn't anything in reach or even sharp from what she could see. Either the girl who kidnapped her had cleared the place when they arrived or she already had the place prepared.

The door on the other side of the room opened up with a creaking noise. Sarah winced at the noise and wished she could cover her ears. Instead, she picks up her head to look at the one who entered.

Her hair was no longer black when Sarah first met her. Blond white hair was tied up in a bun behind her head. She didn't have on any clothing but had on underwear and bra. Her skin was as white as a sheet and there were horrible scars that came from abuse.

The girl's face dropped when she looked at Sarah. It looked as if she was generally sad about the situation. Sarah glares daggers at the young woman. She refuses to show fear to her captor, but underneath, she was terrified.

"I wish this didn't happen, honestly." spoke her captor. "I was just looking around and you came home at the wrong time." she confessed as she shuts the door behind her. "Why were you even in my house!?" Sarah demanded.

The girl frowned at Sarah. Her lower lip stuck out like a pouting child. She was acting as if she was innocent. "I wasn't trying to rob you if that's what you think. I was looking for someone actually." she said honestly. "For who?" Sarah asked, starting to become hysteric.

"For your son." the girl replied with a smile.

Sarah's heart dropped and she felt sick to her stomach. The fear disappeared as it was replaced with rage. "You will not touch Cody! I will kill you before you can even touch him!" Sarah screamed angrily. She tried to pick herself up but lost her balance again. 'God, who ties a person up like this?' Sarah thought as she squirmed in her bindings.

"What do you want to do with my son?" Sarah demanded.

Now standing in front of her, the girl bends down to be at eye level with Sarah. "He's getting too close. I was just trying to find anything about him." she explained. "You just got in the way." she said with a frown. Sarah got the chills when the girl said that. The look on the girl's face showed sadness and insanity. "I finally got away from all of the pain that was my life. I cannot let a damn police officer arrest me."

Hearing her say that made Sarah almost see the girl in a new light. She still saw the insane woman who chased her around Sarah's house but noticed something else in the girl's eyes. Deep in her eyes, there was fear. That was something Sarah could use.

"What happened to you?" Sarah asked as genuine as she could muster. She lays on her back awkwardly to give her kidnapper her full attention. "Here, let me help you." the girl said as she took a box cutter from out of nowhere. Sarah tensed up in fear as she waited for whatever to happen. She didn't expect to be rolled on her side and have her bonds cut. Her wrists and ankles were still tied together but there wasn't a rope connecting them together to keep her bent at an angle.

"Thank you," Sarah said honestly as she was able to push herself upwards into a sitting position. "Now, please tell me what happened to you." she asked again.

"I . . . I was abused so much my whole life," the girl began shakily. Sarah actually saw tears beginning to form at the corner of her eyes. "My stepfather would do such horrible things to me ever since my mom died." she said. The fear in her face began to change to anger. Changing to a raging fire that burned hotter than the pits of hell. "Once I discovered that he wasn't my actual father, I killed the bastard. I tortured him till his skin melted off. His screams were like bells." she described with sick glee.

'She's not a kidnapper . . . she's a psychopath!' Sarah thought fearfully. 'How the hell am I going to get out of this alive?" she thought.

"You were hurt and needed to get out of that toxic situation." Sarah said finally. "While murdering the man wasn't the best thing to do to get away . . . it is great that you got away." she said, twisting her words to try and appeal to the girl. "I was in a horrible relationship that was getting too serious. The man was too clingy so I decided to end it. Only, he started to stalk me and I had to take evasive action. It ended with him in jail for breaking into my house and trying to kill my iguana." Sarah blabbed.

It was quiet for awhile as the girl appeared to be thinking. She looked at Sarah for a few long moments before sighing. Then she stood up, with the box cutter in hand, and began to leave the room.

"Wait!" Sarah cried as she tries to chase after her. A louder cry escaped her when she ends up landing face first on the floor after losing her balance. Her nose makes a crunch noise when it hit the molded wood. "Shit!" she screamed as blood gushed down her face.

"I'll get you some towels." said the girl calmly. "Try not to bleed too much."

"Wait, what is your name?" Sarah asked, her voice sounded congested because of her clogged nose. Turning around, the girl stares at her with emotionless eyes. "Willow." she responded before shutting the door behind her.

Sarah cursed under her breath as she tries to cover her nose with the mattress to stop the blood flow. Just as she did, she noticed something lying beside the cut rope. She shuffles to the edge of the mattress like an inch worm to get a better look. There it was . . . a teeny tiny razor blade made for a handheld pencil sharpener.

"Thank you, druggies for your love of cocaine!" Sarah squealed as she reaches down and catches the blade in between her teeth. She curls into a ball and drops the blade in one of the pockets that her chef uniform had.

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