Chapter 15: Suspicions

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"Captain, you know I don't question your choices but bringing Nighte back is a big mistake!" spoke Aaric.

It was half passed ten and there were fewer officers in the office than there were detectives. People were slightly more sluggish and downing coffee by the second. Despite it being late for most, no one complained.

Hours ago, Aaric was in the room as his boss allowed his former colleague to work the case of the dismembered man. He has never felt such dread and anger all at once before. Not since the death of his child and wife. He felt like he was being betrayed by the world when he was brought the news.

"This certainly does sound like your questioning my choices." said Captain Royce skeptically. She was busy filing paperwork at her desk as she listened to Aaric's rant. "Adrian may have been an assistant for our head medical examiner but he helped a lot in catching the killer." she defended. "He put himself on the line when he went to search for evidence."

A deep frown grew on Aaric's face as he palmed his face. "Something about him just doesn't feel right." he said. "Remember Thomas Dunlap, the Heart Taker? Adrian found crucial evidence of where Thomas was and he didn't tell anyone! Instead, he goes to that location and gets in a fight with the killer himself!" Aaric added. "He had a hunch and wanted to make sure if it was right. Many people do that." Royce said.

'More like wanted to get himself killed.' Aaric thought irritated. "He could've told us and had us look instead." he said. "Now the killer walks with a limp after Adrian broke his leg in the fight."

Pausing at her work, Royce sets her pen down and looks at Aaric. "He was defending himself. Anyone would do the same." she said, becoming very agitated herself. "If you are done making your claim about Adrian. I want you to go home and rest. We have a killer to catch."

He could sense that their conversation was over so he didn't press on. "Yes, Captain." he said stiffly. His hands were balled into fists as he left the office. Careful at not slamming the door shut from frustration.

Reaching his desk, he sits down and opens up the case file. Almost immediately, his stomach churned at the pictures. He's seen many bodies in complicated positions but this body takes the cake. Though the 'Slicer' killer is still in the top five with how violent the victims' deaths were.

'Cody said that the killer might've been a woman. I might not be one of those criminal analysts but the more I look at this; he might be right. The killer held too much rage. They could've stabbed or strangled the man and been done with it.' Aaric thought as he flips through the many pictures. 'Whoever did this might be getting ready to kill again.'



After asking for Emily's permission to use her MacBook, Willow began her research.

It's been three days since murdering that man, but the ache in her stomach was still there. She started having a nervous twitch with her fingers whenever she began to think about killing. The thought of blood spurting out of its owner's body as she would slice up her victim. It brought up both agonizing and pleasing feelings.

When she thought of slicing up a body, it reminded her of her first victim. Her stepfather. She decided to look up on the Pittsburgh news article to see whether or not they discovered his body again. Willow left him where she killed him, wanting him to rot in the very place he always harmed her. And she was correct.

Mutilated Body Discovered In Basement

The article was two pages long, describing how a friend of her father's discovered the body and how policemen started the search. It gave Willow a sense of pride as she viewed the photos. They were blurred for viewer discretion but she knew what was hidden.

'Local man, Derik Branch, is found dismembered in his basement. Signs of torture were present along with his head, tongue, genitals, and fingers being detached from his body. Coroner has told police that the body has been decomposing for a total of two weeks before being discovered.

'Stepdaughter Willow Branch hasn't been found and is suspected of being connected of the crime. Detective Amy Ramirez, head of the case, is theorizing that the daughter left town after the murder has taken place. If you have any information please contact this number–"

Willow exits out of the tab before she ends up reading more. 'Of course they suspect me. If they ever find me, I have to get my story straight.' she thought as she began to research apartments. Despite having a lot of money saved up over the years, she can't find an apartment that has a low rent. The best apartment that she's seen so far is four hundred dollars every three months. Sadly, the apartment isn't in the best place in town.

'I need an apartment fast. Emily knows too much, I can't have her knowing more than she already does. Especially Michaela, that girl seems suspicious of me.'

She closes the tab before clearing the history. 'If any of them find out the truth. I will have to kill them.'

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