Chapter 31: Epilogue

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The touch of individual fingers wrapping around his neck didn't phase him as much as the touch of lips pressing against the back of his neck. He arches his neck in a gasp and pulls away from the offending digits. They tickled rather than scare him.

He was close to swinging a punch but stopped himself just in time. "Enough with the surprise attacks!" Cody yelled as he turned to face Adrian. "I keep thinking someone is trying to attack me!" he said annoyed. He tried to glare but couldn't stop himself from laughing. Their relationship was just strange.

A predator smile grew on Adrian's face as he climbs on top of Cody. "I like surprising you." he whispered before kissing Cody. A satisfying groan rumbles through Cody as he returned the kiss. Wrapping their arms around one another, they began to claw at one another's clothing. "Let's get these clothes off of you." Adrian said huskily as he yanks at the tuxedo pressed against Cody's warming body. Buttons came undone but didn't pop off, revealing Cody's well muscled and scarred chest.

It was Cody's turn to smile as he pushed Adrian into their shared room. They kept their lips locked together as they both fell on top of the bed. Clawing at one another's clothes, it wasn't long until they were rid of their clothes.

Suddenly, Adrian held Cody down in a bruising grip. "Stay." he ordered in a whisper. It made Cody shake in desire as he complied.

He shook excitedly as those firm hands roamed over his body. The feel of blunt nails digging into his skin sent a spike of pleasure up his spine and down to the tip of his toes. Cody struggled to stay in place from his position on the bed as Adrian held him down. He tried to use his strength to wrestle Adrian but the pleasure he was feeling was making himself feel weak.

"Let me go." Cody demanded hotly. A growl rumbled through his throat as he pushes himself upward. Their lips brush against each other but sent sparks through them both. Adrian smiled evilly as his grip to Cody's arms tightened. "Always the dominant one." Adrian whispered with a shake of his head.

"Stay still." Adrian ordered before he climbs off of Cody and picks something up from the floor. "You're going to stay still until I say so." he said before he ties Cody's wrists together with a belt. "Hey! Let me go!" Cody demanded as he tries to slip his hands out of his restraints. "You've called the shots too many times. Now it's my turn." Adrian's voice whispered in Cody's left ear. Then he reveals a neck tie that appeared out of nowhere. "Let's have some fun." he said pleasantly before tying the tie over Cody's eyes. The darkness made Cody nervous as he prepares himself for whatever Adrian might do.

Teeth nipped his earlobe and tugged playfully. Cody let out a groan as Adrian ran his teeth down from his ears to his neck to his shoulder. The feel of teeth biting into his flesh sent such pleasant chills.

"From now on, you are to be completely submissive." Adrian whispered as his hands grasps the hem of Cody's boxers and pulled them down to his knees. The coolness in the air bit into his naked skin, causing goosebumps to cover his body. "Yes," Cody gasped as he struggled not to tear off the makeshift mask from over his eyes. His cock was suddenly grabbed and given a hard squeeze. The pain was just too good. It felt as if the air left his lungs as he whined.

"That's 'yes sir'." Adrian growled sternly. "Now say it!" he ordered with another squeeze. "Yes, sir!" Cody cried with an added groan.

He could feel Adrian smile against his thigh. Running his tongue over the scars Cody received from bullies and life. Something about scars always seemed to turn Adrian on. "I'll always be the boss of you no matter what." Adrian said with a growl.

The bite to the inside of his thigh caught Cody off guard. It wasn't a love bite but a possessive one. The bite hurt like hell but felt amazing. He instinctively arches his back and struggled to hold in his moans. "Fuck!" Cody cried.

Adrian laughed as he hoists Cody's legs over his shoulders. "Lets hear you scream again." Adrian whispered in Cody's ear before burying his cock deep inside of Cody. It was sudden and full force. It burned nicely in his aching hole and Cody couldn't get enough of it. He hissed pleasantly as he wrapped his legs around Adrian's neck and pulled the man closer.

They met in a heated kiss as Adrian thrusted deeper and deeper inside of Cody. Heavy grunts escaped them both. Different muscles clenched at every movement they made.

One of the thrusts dug deep enough to send a shockwave of pleasure up Cody's spine. He broke away from the kiss to let out a cry as he threw up his head in pleasure. "Fuck!" Cody cried as he struggled to breathe.

Quickly, he unwraps his legs from Adrian's neck and pushes him off with his foot. Even if he couldn't see Adrian or use his hands, he still had his legs. He uses his legs and hips to throw himself on top of Adrian with the other below. Pulling the tie down to dangle around his neck, Cody looks down at the man laying below him.

Complete surprise was on Adrian's face as he stared at Cody. "How the hell did you do that?" Adrian asked. "I learned martial arts at the police academy. I don't need much to take you down." Cody gloated as he rubs his bare ass against Adrian's hard-on.

The torture in Adrian's eyes turned on Cody even more than he already was. He bites down on his lower lip as he felt lust grow inside of him. "I'll keep the bonds on my wrists. Otherwise, I'll stay like this." Cody said as he picks himself up by his knees and sinks himself down on Adrian's dick. He began bouncing on Adrian's lap till he could feel his own cock get harder and harder. Cody dug his nails into Adrian's chest as he struggled to keep his pace.

A big smile grew on Adrian's face as he grips Cody's waist and began to thrust his hips up each time Cody sat down. "I can see how close you are. Can't hold it can you?" Adrian asked hotly. He takes Cody's bonded hands and wrapped them around his neck so that their faces were close. Their breathes clashed as the two stared into each other's eyes.

"S-Shut up." Cody said quickly as his cheeks warmed up. "Are you embarrassed, Winters? You look so cute." Adrian gushed before increasing his pace. Cody let out pleased grunts as he struggled to keep in his screams. He dug his teeth into his lower lip till he bled.

"Wait! I-I can't–"

Cody couldn't finish his sentence as he let out a cry. His body clenched up as he ejaculated all over himself and Adrian's chest. The energy he had was gone and now he was a panting mess.

With a groan, he lays down on Adrian's chest and listens to his partner's heartbeat. "I can't move." Cody said in between pants. "Good. Because I'm not done." Adrian whispered in Cody's ear. "What!?" Cody said startled. Before he could say anything else, Adrian grabbed Cody and spun them around so that Cody laid on his back.

Adrian continued to bury his cock deep inside of Cody until he himself was at his peak. He bends down and bites down on Cody's neck as his finally releases himself. "AAHHHH!" Cody screamed from both pain and pleasure. Blood was running down his throat and down his chest.

The pleasure flowed over the pain. Cody clawed at Adrian's back as Adrian bit harder. He was sure that if Adrian didn't stop, his skin would come off.

Finally, Adrian slides himself out of Cody. He let's go of Cody's skin and a blood dripped down his lips like drool. A satisfying sigh escaped the killer as he lays down beside Cody. "How do you feel?" Adrian asked worriedly as he touches the bite mark.

Despite the pain he felt, Cody smiled at Adrian. "Tired but I'm fine." he assured him. "I love you, Adrian Nighte." Cody said. "And I love you, Cody Nighte." Adrian said as he takes Cody's hand and kisses the ring on Cody's ring finger.


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