Chapter 8: Past

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The tile wood was stained in nothing but blood. It looked so slippery like spilt water on the kitchen floor.

It's been a couple of years since the last time he's seen so much blood. (Counting the time he discovered Adrian slicing up his math teacher) Cody got so used to the sight of blood that he didn't even flinch.

"For a first timer, you certainly don't flinch at something like this." spoke Detective Morris.

Cody tried his best not to roll his eyes at the man. He has known his new partner for only two hours and is already annoyed by him. Detective Morris treated Cody like a kid, and he's only like ten years older than him.

"I've been around blood more than you realize." Cody responded without sparing the man a glance. He begins to go through his notes to make sure that he didn't miss anything. Not realizing he had eyes on him.

"So here's the rundown of what happened," Morris spoke up as he gestures toward the giant puddle of blood. "A would-be robber comes in here ready to rob the place," he explained as he walks up to the register. "He gets to the register, aims the gun at the cashier," he makes a gun gesture with his hand. "But is taken down by the customer, who used a box cutter to take him down." Morris finished as he picks up an evidence bag that held a bloodied box cutter.

"He was stabbed in the neck right?" Cody asked as he jotted down notes. He kept his eyes away from the weapon and bloody scene. There were too many memories that involved blood. He doesn't want them to come back so soon into his new career.

"Yep. I'm impressed that he survived. The woman got him in the jugular. Somehow we were able to keep him stabilized long enough to get him to the hospital in time." Morris said. "The blade was still in his neck, right?" Cody asked. "If it was, we wouldn't have this much blood." Morris responded with a snort.

'Why did I have to get him as a partner?' Cody thought incredulously as he pockets his notepad.

"Is it true that you're that Cody Winters from the Upscale Murder case?" Morris suddenly asked.

If he didn't have shoes that could grip surfaces, he would've ended up tripping and falling into the pool of blood. Cody righted himself up as he whipped his head around to look at Morris. "By your reaction I'm guessing that's a 'yes.' Morris stated with wide eyes.

Swallowing what felt like rocks down his throat, Cody coughs as he straightened up. "With all due respect, I didn't want anyone to know about that. So please don't bring it up again." he asked, more like demanded, before leaving the store.


"Is it me or are we being watched by every female in here?" Cody asked as he peers around the room. The diner they were in was bustling with customers. But Cody couldn't help but notice the women seemed to be staring right at them. Though he knew exactly what they were looking at.

"They like the badge." Morris said without even looking up from the menu. Cody stared at the older male with a raised brow. 'Either he's ignoring it or just doesn't care.' he thought as he eyed Morris.

He has known the man for only a few hours and the man has tried all that he could to get Cody to open up. It must be because of Cody's coldness toward him when Morris brought up the Michael incident.

"See anything you like on the menu?" Morris asked as he signals a waitress. "Everything looks good. Hard to decide." Cody replied though he was eyeing the cheeseburger.

After they ordered their meals, Morris stared directly at Cody with those eyes of his. Those brown orbs.

"Can I ask you something?" Morris asked suddenly.

"I guess." Cody said unsure. He felt rather exposed as the detective stared at him. It reminded him of Adrian, how he would stare at a person and could understand them. How he knew what their weaknesses were.

"How come you decided to become a police officer?" Morris asked curiously. "How about this," Cody said, dodging the question. "You tell me why you dyed your hair white and I'll tell you my reason for being involved in the police force." he finished rather challenging. Cody wanted to see if he could get underneath the man's skin. Whether or not this man wanted to be his friend, he can't have anyone get close to him. Especially cops.

The glint in Morris's eyes disappeared as a troubled look grew on his face. He bites his lower lip, contemplating on whether to respond or not.

Finally, Morris says,"My wife had always adored the color white. She would say that it reminds her of the roses she grew up with." The fondness in his voice revealed how in love he was. But Cody noticed he didn't have a ring on any of his fingers. "I still remember the day she walked down the aisle." he spoke fondly.

"Where is she?" Cody asked carefully, not knowing the reaction he might get.

"She died while giving birth to our first child. Lila, she had an ectopic pregnancy in her Fallopian tubes. Our daughter didn't make it either." Morris confessed heartbrokenly.

Cody froze as his breath got caught in his throat. 'And I thought my past was brutal.' he thought guiltily. "Did she die peacefully?" he asked. He fiddles with his fingers as he waited for Morris's reply. "She did. I held her hand as she passed on. My daughter died not soon after." the detective said softly.

It felt like his heart dropped down to his stomach. Cody hasn't felt such remorse for a person before. (Besides Adrian.) "I'm sorry for your loss." he said truthfully.

"That's why I dyed my hair white. To always remember both my newborn child and wife." Morris said, not seeming to hear Cody speak. His calloused fingers ran through his white hair, causing it to reflect against the light. "The captain allowed me keep it because she didn't mind. She thought it was honorable of me to do it." he said with a small laugh.

'She's an understanding woman.' Cody thought with a smile.

"So enough of me. You still didn't answer my question." Morris said pointedly as he points a finger at Cody. "Why did you become a police officer?" he asked. 'Of course I couldn't keep stalling.' Cody thought, letting out a slow breath through his nostrils. He wasn't used to explaining his past despite the many times he had to. Many would give him pity looks or pretend to understand. But they don't.

"My father was a detective. Ever since he passed away, I didn't know what I should do for a career. After what happened with the . . . Upscale Murder, I decided to become a police officer like him. I wanted to defend the helpless just like he did." Cody explained. It hurt to speak of his father. His father was a good man but held so many secrets.

Morris didn't give Cody a pitied look. He had a stone hard look as he watched Cody. The man was reading Cody closely. His eyes penetrated Cody and peered into his soul.

"Alright, then," he said suddenly. "I've made up my mind. I'm gonna make sure you make your father proud." Morris finished with a determined smirk. "Huh?" Cody said dumbly, completely caught off guard. The older male laughed before saying,"I was like you when I first started. Except I didn't have someone to help me. I'll make sure you become the police officer your father was."

Speechless. Cody was utterly speechless. Though he couldn't help but smile gratefully. "Thank you, Detective Morris. I appreciate it." he said truthfully.

"Call me Aaric." Morris said as he holds out his hand. "And you can call me Cody." Cody replied with a firm shake of their hands.

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