Chaptet 2: Blood Splatter

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His fingers glide over the sharp edge of the blade. Feeling how the blade slightly bit into his skin but not deep enough to cut. He stared at his reflection in the steel blade. His reflection was distorted like a funhouse mirror.

A sudden groan alerted him of a presence in the room.

Adrian shot his head up, his blue bangs flying across his face. His eyes land on an older male who was dragging his bleeding body across the floor. A thick trail of blood followed after the man as he tried to get away.

'Great. I'm losing my touch.' Adrian thought in annoyance as he sits up from his spot on the couch.

Ever since Cody decided to break up with him, Adrian has felt very unstable with his urge to kill. Usually, if someone broke his heart, he would kill them. But he didn't have to heart to kill Cody. The boy already showed his lust for blood that turned Adrian on so much. (Not including the times they had sex.)

Adrian kept a close eye on Cody after they broke up. Even watched over Michaela because the girl grew on him after a few months.

He was furious when he saw that Cody applied to become a cop. Of course, he knew that the boy's father was a cop. Adrian didn't want to have any ties with the police because . . . well . . . he is a serial killer! He wouldn't be surprised if Cody turns him in the second he starts work.

"Don't even try to run away. It's useless." Adrian growled as he grabbed the man's ankles and pulls him back. The man cried in pain as he tried to get away. "You shouldn't have fought. You should've died." Adrian said angrily as he grabs the man by his hair and pulls his head back, leaving his neck wide open.

The man gasped as he struggled to breathe. He tried to claw his way out of Adrian's grasp but it was useless. "No! Don't! Please!" he begged weakly. Adrian places the blade just above the carotid artery and slits his throat with ease. The man let out a final gasp before he ceased his struggling as blood sprayed from the cut.

Adrian watched as the blood sprayed all over the carpeted floor. The smell of copper filled his nostrils but he wasn't affected by it. It actually gave him a sense of arousal at the intense scent. Finally, an insane smile grew on his face as he stared at his artwork.

"Now for the finishing touch." he said before he began to tear the man's shirt open from behind. He reveals the deadman's bare back that was covered in bruises from their tussle.

Instead of using the large knife he used to kill the man, he reaches into his back pocket and takes out a small carving knife. It fit his palm perfectly with a wooden hilt and a curved blade. He had it custom made by a person who owed him a favor. (A personal favor.)

Placing the blade right above the spine, Adrian begins to cut into the skin and slowly runs the blade downward. The blood flow was slow but flowed out of the wound he was creating. He drove the blade deep enough to see bone but he didn't stop there. Adrian felt a few veins pop underneath the knife, causing blood to spray on his face.

The gouge he created was from the nape to his tail bone. He grabs hold of the parted skin and pulls them in opposite directions. More blood flowed out of the wound and stained his fingers like cranberry juice. Adrian catches sight of the spinal cord and grinned sadistically.

Recently, he changed his MO from simply stabbing to slicing his victims. He wanted to split them open and see their insides. Just like how he did with his father. If only he did the same with his mother. Simply snapping the whore's neck wasn't enough for Adrian.

Adrian stands up from his crouching position and straightened his back. His spine popped a couple of times as he stretches a little to ease any tension.

His jeans were heavily stained in blood and so were his sleeves. Any color in his clothing was gone by the crimson color. Adrian examines his clothes for a moment before he takes them off. His pale skin had become a slightly darker shade from time in the sun. (With Cody.) The tattoos he once had were gone. Though he ended up getting another one that wrapped around his neck.

The tattoo was a tribal design with various shapes and lines. It took hours to finish but he didn't care.

After taking off his jeans and shirt, he reaches for his backpack that he had lying against the wall. He takes out a pair of jeans and a long sleeved black shirt that covered any scratches he got from the fight.

Before he changes, he uses his victim's sink to wash away the blood on his face and hands. The warmth the blood gave him disappeared as the cold water washed over his skin. Adrian scrubs with his hands instead of using a sponge. After he cleans up the blood from his body, he wipes away any fingerprints off the sink.

Changing into his new clothes, he balls up his bloodied clothes and stuffed them into his backpack along with the knives. 'I'll burn the clothes later.' he thought as he zips up his bag.

'Now, it's time to go back to the apartment and greet my new neighbor.'

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