Chapter 11: relationships and murder

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His lips trace over the scars that ran along Cody's back.

The soft tissue were jagged, not made by a knife of any kind. The dark color of the scar revealed how deep the wound really was. Who knew how much pain Cody had been in.

Adrian knew these wounds were inflicted on Cody by Michael. The man tortured Cody to just please himself before trying to use him to sign the papers. Cody had never told Adrian until he saw the marks after their first time together. That night didn't just end in pleasure but rage.

His eyes clouded over as he recalled last night. The way Cody thrashed as Adrian touched him. How he moaned and whined at every kiss and bite. Every cry made Adrian become more and more wild as he craved for Cody to become louder.

Cody lets out a soft moan as he slowly began to wake up. Then his eyes shot open before he bolts up into a sitting position. "Shit! What time is it?!" he demanded as he bolted out of bed.

Amusement was written on Adrian's face as he watched Cody scramble to put on his clothes. "Does it matter?" Adrian asked. That earned him one of Cody's signature glares that he is always used to. "I can't be late on my second day, Adrian!" Cody snapped at him. "This shouldn't have even happened." he muttered under his breath, but Adrian heard clearly.

"What." Adrian growled.

Cody didn't even hesitate as he straightens his hair before leaving the bedroom. "Cody, get back here!" Adrian ordered angrily as he climbs out of bed and marches after Cody. "If you think I will forget about what happened last night then you are mistaken." he said angrily.

Collecting his shoes and jacket from the floor, Cody heads to the door without looking at Adrian. He stops at the door but doesn't leave. Letting out a sigh, Cody turns back to look at Adrian. "I'm a police officer. Whether or not we start dating again, we both will be at risk." Cody said. "Let's talk about this after I get off from work." he said before finally leaving.

Tempted to just run out while naked, Adrian had to hold back the urge. He walks up to the door and presses his palms against it. Leaning forward, he peers through the peephole to see if Cody was still there.

The young man stood there, as if contemplating on what he should do. His back was to the door but Adrian could tell Cody was thinking. The man would always hunch his shoulders when he thought.

'At least turn around to look back.' Adrian thought with a growl.

Only the policeman didn't. He straightened his back and left.

"Dammit." Adrian growled as he banged his fists against the door.

Having to pull himself away from the door, Adrian trudges back to his bedroom. 'Honestly, why don't I fucking kill that bastard?' he thought angrily as he steps in front of his closet. 'I've had so many chances to, yet I never did.' Adrian opens the doors and grabs a wooden chest sitting at the bottom of the closet.

Setting it down on his bed, Adrian flicks the combination in before opening it up. There sitting at the bottom of the chest were four different knives. All were custom designed by 'friends' of Adrian.

He runs his fingers over the scabbards till he reaches the last one to the right. It was made of steel, a round scabbard with a spiral blade. Perfect for impaling and breaking through bone.

Adrian held it in his grasp with a firm hold. He imagined thrusting the knife into the person's chest, feeling the blood rush out of the body like a fountain. 'It's too soon to go hunting. But I just can't hold in these damn emotions. I feel like I'm a teenager again. Only I had conflicting emotions about trying not to kill a person.' Adrian thought angrily as he grabs the leather sheath and sticks the blade inside. 

Setting the knife on his bed, Adrian closes the chest and puts in back in the closet. Hidden away under folded clothes. If there was a reason why the police had to scour his place, he had a contingency plan to hide the weapons. (One of the floorboards underneath his bed was loose so that he could hide them. He was able to stabilize the board so that it wouldn't squeak if anyone looked underneath.)

Adrian walks into his bathroom and turns on his shower. He appreciated the wide space of the rectangular shaped box of a shower. Enough room for two people. Also the water didn't take forever to become warm. With a pleased sigh, he steps into the shower to feel the pelting hot water beat against his body.

The scratches on his body stung pleasantly. Especially the bite marks.

The first night Cody and Adrian had sex, he was very surprised at how . . . dominant the younger man could be. It was like seeing all of the anger and other emotions inside of Cody come out as a different person. Adrian couldn't believe how sore he was the next morning.

Washing away all of the sweat and other excess fluids off his body, Adrian runs his fingers through his hair and stops when he sees his blue hair. He recalls what Cody had said, saying he might look nicer with his original hair color.

His original hair color was a dark brown  with golden tint that came from his father. Adrian wanted no memory of any of his parents. But he knew that he's going to have to move passed them. Somehow forgive them for what they done since they are both dead now. He already forgave his mother after killing her.

'I'll think about it later.' Adrian thought as he steps out of the shower.

Wrapping a towel around his waist after drying out his body, Adrian walks out of the bathroom. He grabs his laptop from his desk and heads into the living room. 'First things first,' he thought as he sits down on the couch and turns on his computer. 'Research.'

His fingers flew across the keyboard as he searches a name:

Travis Rose.

The man was questioned for the death of his sister when he was twelve years old. It looked like a suicide but there were inconclusive evidence. After he got married, his wife mysteriously died by a suicide; no one questioned it because she had a history of depression.

'No one asks any questions when it's a suicide. It's how people get away with murder.' Adrian thought angrily as he looks at the old newspaper articles.

Before murdering his last victim, Terrence Reid, he was already searching for his next target. He knows he shouldn't be hunting for a new victim so soon. But his psychotic urges were already growing again.

'Tonight or tomorrow? I know where he lives already.' Adrian considered as he turns on the television. Almost immediately, the familiar tune of the news channel theme song went off.

"Breaking news: local businessman Carter Richards found dead at a demolition site in downtown New York." spoke the newswoman.

Adrian's eyes darted up to the television screen.

"Demolition workers came to work at an old hotel that was being demolished for remodeling. Only to find the slaughtered remains of a man who was killed with their own tools."

The camera was viewing from the outside of the crime scene. Policemen and policewomen tried to keep citizens and he press back. Yellow tape was hung up in a square perimeter.

"Homicide Detective Aaron Morris gave a brief announcement that whoever committed the murder had experience with bodies. Giving us the assumption that we have another serial killer on our hands." spoke the female announcer.

Adrian was given a brief glimpse of the crime scene. A body laid on a table as CSIs surrounded it. The image was too blurry to see clearly but Adrian could see another picture.

'I have competition.'

Wolf in Sheep's ClothingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora