Chapter 20: Missing

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"This is perfect!" Cody exclaimed happily as he examines the single strand of hair that was being held in an evidence bag. "Now all we need is her DNA to test the hair." he said.

After Cody and Adrian got off the clock, they met up with Michaela at a bar called Marley's. They decided it would be best to talk somewhere else. Can't talk at Michaela's place, at the station, or even at Adrian or Cody's apartment. No one could know what they were doing.

"I can get the DNA." Michaela assured. "But I have to be careful. I think Willow is getting suspicious of me." she said with a swig of her beer. "If she tries to kill you. I'll return the favor." Adrian said with a gentle pat to Michaela's head. A smile grew on Michaela's face as she taps her beer with Adrian's. "Thank you, Adrian."

The two shared a smile while Cody stared at the two like they were crazy. "The first time you two met, Adrian tried to kill you. Now you two are acting like best friends." he said very disturbed. "The same thing happened to you except you're sleeping with him!" Michaela countered. That caused Cody to choke on his beer. "We stopped sleeping with each other!" he hissed, keeping his voice down from any prying ears. "Then what did we do a few nights ago?" Adrian asked with a taunting smirk.

As Cody's face grew as red as a tomato, Michaela's jaw hit the table. "You had sex! What happened to you hating him?!" she asked in surprise. "I'll answer that when we aren't trying to catch a damn killer!" Cody avoided the question. Then he took a big gulp of liquor to try and distract himself. He hasn't had a taste for liquor but it doesn't mean he won't drain a bottle when stressed.

"Have you talked to Sarah lately?" Adrian asked abruptly. "I haven't seen her since you banned me from the house." he added with a frown.

If Cody's eyes could've popped out of his sockets, they almost did. "Fuck." he hissed. "I have been so wrapped up with my job and moving into the apartment that I forgot to call Sarah!" Cody said panicked. He took out his phone, unlocks the screen, and hurriedly taps Sarah's number. It's surprising that Sarah hasn't called him first. She would call in the middle of classes because she worried too much.

"How hasn't she called first? She's such a worry-wart." Michaela commented with a laugh. "Remember when she talked me out of getting a tattoo? I wanted to get a tattoo of a snake with bleeding fangs but she convinced me otherwise." she rambled. "I remember her whacking me upside the head for accidentally cursing." said Adrian with a laugh.

Cody plugged one of his ears to hear the phone better and waited. He waited through the dial tone until he was sent to voicemail. It confused him as Sarah always answers. Even if she misses the call, she calls back almost instantly. Cody doesn't leave a voicemail but decided to wait. She could be busy.

"She didn't pick up?" Michaela asked, noticing almost immediately. "Yeah. She's probably still at work or something." Cody said. His stomach was twisting in all the wrong places. Something about Sarah not answering didn't sit right.

"Why don't we go by and visit? I want to see the small woman!" Adrian offered with a big smile. "God, you look so creepy with that smile." Cody said with a cringe. "And aren't psychopaths supposed to not have emotions?" he asked. "I know, right? I'm doing a whole thesis paper on the both of you because of it!" Michaela said happily.

Cody and Adrian gave Michaela identical looks of 'are-you-crazy'. "You are writing a thesis paper on us?" Cody asked with an annoyed eye twitch. "Yeah, it's about how it is possible for a psychopath to form feelings for another person." Michaela said so proudly. Cody was about to say something but Adrian cuts him off, "Don't even try. Let's give her the pleasure of watching us." A frown was on both of the men's faces as they realized that their lives were now a paper for Michaela.

"You better get a damn A on that paper." Adrian mumbled under his breath as he took another swig of his drink. Cody couldn't help but snort. "Just don't add our sexual activities on that thing."

The humorous moment ended when Cody's phone rang. He checks the caller ID and saw that it was Sarah's home phone number. It confused him as he called Sarah's cell but thought nothing of it until he picks it up. "Hey, Sarah–"

"Cody!? Cody, it's Mrs. Heatherly! Sarah's next door neighbor!"

A sunken feeling entered the pit of his stomach almost immediately. "Mrs. Heatherly, why are you calling from Sarah's house?" he asked worriedly. "Sarah's gone! Her front door was wide open, and when I went inside to check on her, I find the entire place trashed!" she said hurriedly. "I called the police already. Please hurry!"

The call ended before it barely even started. Cody sat there in silence. The worst thing he could ever imagine was coming true.

"Cody?" Adrian questioned worriedly.

"That bitch has my mom." Cody snarled, his eyes gleaming a dangerous hue.

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