Chapter 17: Feelings

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'It's so weird,' she thought as she puts cash in the register. 'I killed a man just hours before, and now I'm working at the same store that I stabbed a man.'

She looks up from the counter and smiled at the costumer. "Have a nice day." she said with exaggerated kindness. Willow could care less about the person. They said goodbye before leaving, probably unaware about the crime that had taken place.

'I wonder if he survived.' Willow thought randomly as she looks around the place. The crime scene cleaners cleaned up very well. You couldn't tell that there used to be blood all over the place.

Emily was in the back restocking supplies and Michaela was behind her with Marcella. The dog was right under her, sleeping silently with some snores. Willow never knew how comforting being with an animal could be. She hated humans but didn't feel anything toward animals. It's why she never experimented with them. Though it didn't mean she had the urge to.

"I wouldn't have thought the place would be open after a few short days." Willow commented, trying to break the silence between she and Michaela. She has noticed the woman has been reclusive toward Willow lately. But she would always watch Willow like she was some specimen, acted both interested and disinterested at the same time.

"This is a popular shop. I'm just glad we're not on 5th Avenue or whatever." Michaela said as she scrolls through her phone. "Though I agree that it's crazy that people still come in here." she agreed. She finishes whatever she was doing and pockets her phone. Pulling herself up from sitting on a step stool, Michaela walks up to stand beside Willow and look at the store. "I'm just glad you two got out of that situation unscathed." she said. "Well, physically." she added, giving Willow a glance.

Willow gulps unconsciously. She has noticed Michaela has been asking odd questions. They were always about her past. It could just be that she's being cautious since Willow is a stranger but it felt more like Michaela's questioning her.

"You didn't hesitate in attacking the man. Even stabbed him directly in the neck. Most people try to disable an attacker, not kill them." Michaela said as if quoting someone. "I think I read that somewhere." she said thoughtfully. Then she shrugged before grabbing Marcella's leash. "I'm gonna take Marcella on a walk. I'll be right back." she said before dragging a tired looking dog around the counter and taking her outside.

Willow watched the woman walk out, glaring at her back with such hatred. 'She's getting nosy,' she thought. 'Might become a problem if she keeps asking questions.' Her hand fingers the small pocket knife she kept on her for protection. Just because she has multiple weapons doesn't mean they had to be used for killing. 'If she gets too involved I'll have to shut her up.'

"Where's Michaela?" suddenly asked Emily from behind. It caused Willow to jump from fright. "Oh, sorry!" apologized Emily. "It's alright! You just scared the crap outta me!" Willow said as she grasped her chest. The two shared a brief laugh before they heard the front door open.

Willow cursed under her breath when she saw a young police officer enter the store. Short brown hair in the style of a buzz and small scars running along the edges of his face. He wore the common navy blue uniform that defined the muscles hidden underneath. The main thing she was staring at was the gun hanging at his waist.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Cody Winters!" Emily said proudly. Willow looked at the girl like she was crazy and saw the biggest smile on Emily's face. She hasn't seen Emily like that since the moment they met. "Michaela told me that you started your job as a policeman! I hoped to see you in the uniform!" Emily said.

A charming smile appeared on his face as he walks up to the counter to greet them. "Nice to see you again, Emily." he greeted. "I just wanted to stop by and make sure you're alright after what happened." he said with sincere worry. He glances at Willow for a split second before looking back at Emily. For a second, Willow thought there was some familiarity in his eyes. As if he knew her somehow.

"It was an awful encounter, I must admit." Emily confessed. "I'm just glad Willow and I got out of it unscathed." she said, tapping Willow's shoulder. That brought Cody's attention completely to Willow. He smiled warmly at her, showing his teeth. "It's nice to meet you, Willow. I'm Cody, a friend of Michaela's." he introduced himself.

They shared a small handshake. His grip was firm. His skin warm, almost hot. Willow thought that her skin would burst into flames just at the touch. The warmth spread up to her face and inflamed her cheeks. "It's nice to meet you as well." Willow replied.

Once they broke away, Cody looks back at Emily. "Did Michaela take Marcella for a walk? I know she has Marcella around for emotional support." he said as he looks around. "Yeah. She just stepped out." Emily answered.

An odd bubbling sensation built up in Willow's chest as Emily and Cody talked. She didn't know why but something about the officer felt familiar. It was his face. It made her mad.

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