three: in me sister's car broom broom

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          The Murphy siblings didn't communicate at all during the ride to their high school. Connor crossed his arms and stared at the scenery as they passed the many trees on the sides of the road. Zoe gripped the steering wheel anxiously, was Connor angry at her? Was he going to lash out at her after school? Connor's moods would change unexpectedly, one moment seemingly almost happy, seconds later shouting and punching the wall in. Zoe really did care for him, but also deeply terrified by her brother's actions. He has hit her before. He has screamed in her face until she was huddled in a corner crying between broken 'please stop's.

"Why did you do that?" Connor asked three minutes into the bitter silence, studying the trees transform into a blur. This brought her out of her thoughts. Zoe glanced at him for a moment, before averting her eyes back to the road.

"Do what?" Zoe questioned, puzzled by the not so clear question. Connor blinked for a moment, before finally answering.

"Save me. I put you through so much shit these past years.. you should've let me die. That's what I deserve." Connor glanced at her. Zoe inhaled.

"Connor, even though you did some really fucked up things to me.. you don't deserve that. No one does." Zoe replied. Connor snickered. Connor closed his eyes tight.

"Zoe, you're way too forgiving." Connor said with a slight smile. Zoe was surprised that she got Connor to smile for a second. A moment later she returned the same smile.

"Yeah... be glad I'm like that." Zoe replied. Connor looked back out the window.

"Thanks, Zo."

"No problem, Connie." Zoe replied, containing laughter. Connor just shot her a 'seriously?' look. Zoe bursted into a fit of laughter. Connor just grumbled under his breath.

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