11; jared makes an entrance

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     A week flashed by in immense speed.

And Connor's feelings for Evan got worse at the same rate. No matter what Evan was doing, a pang of jealousy was at the back of his head. If he was talking to Jared, or if he was working on a project with Alana, that unwelcome feeling entered his stomach without delay. And it was worse for Zoe. It was a breezy Friday morning, swiftly passing the students which had just been let out. Evan and Zoe were casually conversing, the two spoke to each other on a daily basis by now. But that didn't mean that Evan stopped jumbling all of his words up around her. Connor felt the urge to shoot eye daggers at Zoe, but resisted the feeling. It wasn't her fault. He approached the two silently, creating an audible satisfying crunch of leaves beneath his feet.

"I'll see you Monday, Evan." She smiled.

"D-Definitely!" He replied as if she had just questioned if he would be present. He then gave a crooked smile, at least he was putting an effort into talking to his crush. Connor was dramatically rolling his eyes in his head. Zoe turned to her older brother.

"Hey, Connor. Are you walking or coming with me?" She asked. Connor didn't want to take the risk of lashing out at his sister, so he decided to take the best route.

"I'll walk with Evan an—" And exactly on cue, the second name without even being said, popped in.

"Heyyy." Jared slung an arm around Evan, already knowing what the deal was with Connor. He shot a mischievous grin Connor's way. Jared wasn't oblivious to Connor's recent behavior, yet Evan was. Connor's eyes narrowed slightly at this gesture, but decided it wasn't worth it. A stupid crush wasn't something to get so agitated about. But Connor bottled up all of his jealousy, continuing on his way to his house. Jared released Evan from his firm grip, trailing behind Connor. Evan was just dumbfounded by Jared's action, slowly trotting behind the two. Evan eventually caught up with them. He noticed Connor giving an sinister glare to Jared just by the look in his eyes. He didn't need to stitch his brows together to show anger, the emptiness of his expression said enough. Jared felt a shiver travel down his spine.

"H-Hey, Connor, are you okay?" Evan asked, obviously concerned. This caught Connor's attention in only half a second. He didn't mean for Evan to notice Connor's infamous threatening look he sent to his 'prey'. He parted their contact for a split moment, before returning the uncomfortable gaze.

"Oh, I'm fine." Connor lied, adding a smile to convince Evan. Of course, Evan returned the smile, with a small, 'okay'. Connor's face lit up like a Christmas tree almost immediately, he never noticed how truly amazing his smile was. Evan's smile as he described it was just so... perfect, and subtle, and real. Jared heard a slight snicker from behind him. Connor whipped his head around, to see a smug Jared looking incredibly amused. Connor sent yet another death glare to the shorter boy.

"Did you guys have another... disagreement?" Evan broke the tension between the two. Connor didn't speak for a moment.

"No.." Connor said slowly. Evan was now more puzzled. Jared still wore that huge annoying smirk on his face.

"So.." Evan decided to change the topic, knowing that it wouldn't go anywhere. Whatever Jared and Connor were hiding they didn't want Evan to know. "Did you guys think that algebra test was hard?" Connor shrugged.

// an: sorry idk anything about highschool oH weLL//

"Not really." Most would think Connor would be failing at school, but he wasn't. He actually got decent grades for how much he didn't pay attention in class. He never studied, he just worked with what he remembered from class. On the other hand, Evan studied but wasn't the best at math class. Other classes he was much more consistent of A's and B's. Then there was Jared, who only got B's. And sometimes A's.

"I have given up on Math at this point in the school year, it sucks ass." Jared replied. Evan only chuckled at this response. In only a matter of a few minutes, the trio arrived at the Kleinman household. "Bye, homos." He waved as he stepped inside. Connor thought of saying, Well, you're not wrong. But decided to seal his mouth shut. Now Connor and Evan were drowned in an awkward silence.

"Hey, Connor, can I ask you something?" He paused for a moment before Connor could reply, "nevermind it's stupid." He muttered.

"No, tell me. Nothing you say is stupid." Connor replied, with a soft smile. Evan's cheeks tinted with color, for a reason he did not know. Probably because he was embarrassed, is what Evan assumed.

"Well, I-I was wondering if you could maybe.. help me out with my m-math? I mean.. it's okay if you don't want to I understand it's probably a waste of time and you might have some things to do this weekend and you don't want to just waste it on me because I'm not really important." To avoid further rambling, Connor just set a hand on his shoulder.

"Chill, Hansen." His voice was firm, "I'm free this weekend. Plus if I had anything to do I would rather spend it with you." Connor said sincerely. Evan gave a look of appreciation.

"So, can I come over to your house on Saturday.. or?" Evan trailed off.

"Can we go to yours? I will be there around three-ish." Connor announced. Evan nodded. "Oh, I'm going to need your address text me it later, alright?" Evan nodded, as the two continued on their way to the Hansen's and Murphy's.

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