ten: news flash

149 4 8

     I like Evan Hansen.

Connor felt his cheeks light up like a Christmas tree. No fucking way am I having a crush on him two weeks into school. Connor hid his face in his hands, frustrated with what he just found out. He hated this. Why couldn't he just see Evan as a friend? Damn you, Evan... he thought to himself. It wasn't his fault Evan was... well, Evan. Connor attempted to cool down, letting the blood return to his stream instead of his rosy cheeks. Of course it remained in its place. He told himself he would neglect his stupid feelings, and just maybe they would go away. Just maybe.

Evan wondered why Connor didn't reply to his text for seven minutes, slightly worrying. He thought of all the worst possibilities, some being merely impossible. Evan decided to get a snack from the fridge. He grabbed a leftover slice of pizza that Jared and Evan failed to finish a week ago. He set it down in the microwave and pressed a few buttons, then closed it. He waited for a minute or so, then opened it back up, placing the plate on the dining table. He checked his messages just in case he had replied, but all it said was 'read 3:40'. Evan's anxiety grew, before he bit into the steaming hot pizza, resulting in him burning his tongue. He muttered an 'ow'.

Connor finally had cooled down, and continued to text Evan. The two conversed about the strangest things for what seemed hours. They lost track of time, and before they knew it, it was twelve in the morning. They really just enjoyed each other's company. Connor told Evan he had to go to bed, which was a lie. He set the phone on his nightstand, before staring at the ceiling blankly. He hated this. Why do I have to like him? He exhaled, moving to his side, staring at the phone. He really longed for much more conversation, but he needed to take his mind off of Evan. Connor found everything about Evan interesting. His dirty blonde hair, his eyes that he could get lost in like an endless maze, searching for a way out, and his—

"What the fuck?" Connor said in a groggy voice, tired of staying up so late. He should just sleep on this, but pictures of Evan flooded his mind. His whole entire face was beet red, but his room was perfectly pitch black, no one would be able to notice his flushed face. Connor wasn't sure what he should do for these certain feelings, but he did know one thing.

Connor Murphy hated feelings.

Specifically the ones for Evan Hansen.

// oof sorry for the sorta filler 

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