nine: jared and connor

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     // thanks for the reads wowowwwo. anyway this is the a two school day timeskip,,,,yeet

art creds: cryptidsp00n on tumblr

Connor was getting used to sitting with Jared, Evan, and Alana during lunch periods. He didn't want to admit it, but he was opening up to them. He was starting to let down his walls bit by bit each day. Him and Jared were getting closer as well shockingly, yet that didn't mean the two would tease the other occasionally.

"Hey, emo." Jared greeted as Connor set his tray down next to Evan at the regular table in the overpopulated cafeteria. Connor gave him a cold look before seating himself down in the vibrant blue seat. He chomped into his chicken patty. Connor digested the mouthful, then wore a small smirk at an idea.

"Good afternoon to you too, nasty bathbomb eater." Connor said smoothly, being the smartass he is.

"Hey! That's old news Murphy, that was—"

"Only a week ago? You know it's big news when it reaches even the nobody's." Connor silenced him with a shit eating grin. Jared shot eye daggers from across the table at Connor, while Evan chuckled at their daily interactions. Connor glanced over to Evan, who was laughing quietly. Connor laughed along, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"You eat a lush bath bomb once, and then the whole school says you eat them all the time." Jared crossed his arms.

"How'd it taste?" Alana questioned, a single brow raised. Connor and Evan looked over at him curiously.

"Like ass." Jared responded. Alana snickered.

"Weird. I didn't know bath bombs came in Jared Kleinman flavor." Connor commented, a smug expression forming on his face once again. Jared's brows knitted together in frustration.

"Why are you picking fights with me, Murphy?" Jared asked, clearly irritated, as it travels through every word.

"'Cause it's funny." Connor said with a smirk once again.

"Oh, it's hilarious. Ha ha ha." Jared stood up, and walked off to throw away his tray. As soon as he was out of earshot, Connor bursted into a roar of laughter. Evan chuckled along.

"So, Evan," Connor crossed his legs, "You got a phone number?" Connor asked like it was no big deal. Evan nodded slowly.

"Yeah.. I d-do." Evan replied. Connor yanked out a piece of notebook paper with bis digits on it, passing it to Evan.

"Text me later if you want."

"So he gave you his number?"

"Yeah.." Evan said, fiddling with his sleeves, which were fringed slightly from being fidgeted with whenever Evan needed to do so. Jared gave him an slightly puzzled look.

"God, Evan, why are you freaking out about texting him? Y'know I was joking about him luring you into a forest.." Jared said to Evan, whose fidgeting came to a halt for a brief moment.

"Yeah.. just scared that he'll hate me if I say the wrong th-thing." His sentence came to its end when Jared gripped his shoulders harshly yet somewhat reassuringly.

"Just be you, dude. He doesn't hang out with you for no reason. Other than he has no other friends." Jared added the last part for no apparent reason at all.

"Alright.. thanks, Jared." Evan was glad that he had a supporting friend he could count on. Jared shot a small smile, shooting a pointer finger to Evan.

"No prob, Bob." He replied coolly. The two continued on the stroll back to their houses. Before they knew it, Jared and Evan arrived at the Kleinman household. The two shared their goodbyes, and Evan went his separate way.

He entered into his empty house, stomping up the stairs, and into his room. He flopped onto the bed. He had no homework that day, other than what he had finished during study hall. He unzipped his backpack, pulling out the number with Connor's phone number. He felt a tad lonely repeatedly being trapped inside his bedroom, so he added Connor to his contacts.

evhansen: Hi, it's evan.

He had rewritten the sentence over and over, trying to find a way to say it as friendly as possible but not formal. It took him five minutes to send a simple sentence. He was definitely overthinking this. A sudden ding bursted from his cellphone.

murphy1: hey, hansen. didn't think you would text me so fast.

evhansen: I'm just kind of bored right now so, i decided to text you

evhansen: But you're not boring you're actually nice to be around so that's why i texted you i didn't mean you were boring sorry.

murphy1: it's alright. i know what you meant.

Evan could tell the conversation was getting a tad awkward, so he changed the subject. He wasn't skilled at focusing on one topic and adding his own words to it.

evhansen: So how'd you discover that Jared tried a bath bomb once?

murphy1: i overheard a girl named jenna rolan gossiping during lunch about it. i didn't really have anyone to talk to so i eavesdropped the conversation.

evhansen: Ohhh, yeah. i've heard about her.

murphy1: she's the one who told the whole school about me throwing that printer at my teacher in second grade.

evhansen: I remember that.

Connor didn't understand why he was so clingy to this Evan boy. It wasn't like him at all. He's never cared about anyone like that. He's never had any friends in the past. But why now was he having a strong liking to a new friend? It was almost as if he was helpless.

What the hell is wrong with me? He wondered, with anxiety as he started to get a hold on what was going on.

Then four words hit him like a truck.


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