12; jared no

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     Evan's house was about a block away from Jared's, so Connor was the last to arrive at his place. He inserted the key, twisting the knob. Zoe had already arrived, and Connor knew so since her bright blue Jeep was in the colossal driveway. Connor entered the room, noticing Zoe's prescene was absent, most likely hidden inside her room. Her voice was audible, but Connor couldn't make out the words. She was probably on the phone with Alana again. Connor closed the door behind him. Cynthia crept out of the kitchen, summoned by the sound, taking a break from fixing up dinner for the three. Larry was at work for the moment.

"Connor, why are you so late? You better not be out with that dealer again." Cynthia's voice was stern. Connor rolled his eyes so far back into his head he thought they would be stuck at that exact spot.

"I told you mom, I'm done with doing drugs." She didn't seem convinced. It was partly true, Connor was attempting to quit, but that wasn't exactly an easy goal. Connor did still keep a spare bag of weed in his room if the voices in his head were bothering him too much, it was the easiest and quickest way to tune them out. But that hadn't been touched since before the attempt.

"Then why did you come thirty minutes after your sister? Doesn't she pick you up?" Cynthia crossed her arms, not trusting her son.

"I walked with some friends." Connor said like it wasn't a big deal.

"Friends? Oh, Connor! That's wonderful! I'm so happy you are making some friends! My little b—" She reached for his cheek, but Connor sent the contact away with a gentle push.

"Mom. I'm seventeen. I don't need you babying me." He said in an annoyed tone, "I'll be in my room." He then stomped off without another word. He hated when his mother did that. He entered his room, where all his keepings were scattered all over the place. He tossed his bag in the other direction of the room, while flopping down on his bed. He wasn't in the mood for homework. He pulled up Evan's contact on the cracked screen. He had thrown it on several occasions he didn't feel comfortable mentioning. More than half of the times it was because of one of his episodes.

murphy1: hey hansen. so could you text me your address now?

evhansen: Yeah. It's 17 east pines road

murphy1: oh, cool.

evhansen: Wait. I forgot to add you to the group chat.

murphy1: what group chat?

evhansen: It's with me, Alana, and Jared. Hold on.

murphy1: ah.

evhansen has added murphy1 to "beep beep jared"

kleinmeme: you've got to be kidding me. you added HIM to our group chat?

alanabanana: oh! welcome, connor.

murphy1: go fuck a bathbomb jared, and thanks.

kleinmeme: thanks i'll make sure to do it right now.

evhansen: Jared please don't

murphy1: jared please do

kleinmeme: this is going to be like that guy who got a fidget spinner stuck in his ass except the guy will be me and the fidget spinner will be a bath bomb

evhansen: Jared no

murphy1: jared yes.

alanabanana: that is not a wise thing to do, jared..

kleinmeme: you're the one that does the wise things, alana. not me. guys which flavor should it be


kleinmeme: good.

murphy1: it should be rainbow

kleinmeme: luckily i have a bath bomb that's just as gay as me.

kleinmeme: goodbye my friends. and connor.

murphy1: see you in hell kleinman

kleinmeme: see you there murphy.

Approximately ten minutes have passed.

evhansen: guys i'm worried.

murphy1: why?

evhansen: Jared just left for no reason, what it he actually did do what he said?

murphy1: kleinman is very stupid, but he isn't so stupid that he would shove a lush bath bomb up his ass. he's fine.

kleinmeme: shut up, homos. i'm great. i just think i need to take a trip to the ER.

evhansen: JARED!!!

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