17; exposed

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Connor's heart skipped a beat. He felt frozen, and he wanted to run away as soon as Jared stated that. When it came to Jared Kleinman, most likely Jared would tell everyone he knew, then it would reach the whole entire school. And of course, Evan will hate him, and Connor would get teased for being gay. He wasn't responding for a minute, and when he read Jared's face that was blank, he tensed up.
"Wh-What do you mean." Connor couldn't believe he stuttered on the spot. He usually maintained his nerves and stood tall, but Jared destructed that side of Connor all at once. Jared had an satisfied look on his face.
"Aha! I knew it!" Jared said smugly, folding his arms. Connor looked off into the distance, a blush rising to his cheeks.
"Oh, fuck off. You better not tell anyone, Kleinman." His brows stitched together, thinking of the worst possibilities and turn outs of the situation.
"Oh, I won't. I'm not here to gather information and tell Evan." Jared replied reassuringly. Connor met his eyes, and Jared's gaze seemed trusting. Connor hesitantly gave in, and listened to his words.
"Then what do you need?" Connor questioned, impatiently. Jared smirked, kicking up his legs on the table carelessly. Connor blinked.
"I wanted to make sure you're boyfriend material. Considering the fact Evan and Zoe as a relationship is nearly impossible, since Alana— nevermind. Anyway, here's the rundown. First, no sex."
"What the actual fuck?" Connor nearly shouted, more annoyed. A mother covered her daughter's ears protectively at a distant table. "I'm not going to have sex with Evan!" Why would he say that in public? This is humiliating.
"I sure hope not. Second, don't break his heart."
"Why would I—" And Connor was shut down before finishing his sentence.
"And take care of him." Jared added.
"Doesn't matter, cause' I don't like him." Connor denied. Jared didn't fall for this act, though. He knew this for a fact for a while now.
"Connor, it's far too obvious. You're always staring at him with lovey dovey eyes and shit. You only talk to him and practically ignore me and Alana during lunch. And not to mention, you almost never smile, and now you suddenly are capable of doing it." Jared noted in a smart tone. He then wore a smirk. "Admit it."
"No." Connor said through gritted teeth.
They then had a war of 'yes' and 'no's for what seemed forever, earning looks from the surrounding crowd. Connor sat back in his chair, cross armed.
"Fine.. maybe a little." Connor admitted in defeat. When he saw Jared's shit eating grin plastered on his face, he immediately took it back.
"Oh, don't worry Connor. It'll be our little secret." Jared winked. And now Connor was twice as anxious about sharing this information. He was screwed. Jared stood up.
"Well, thanks for spending your time with me, Murphy." Jared shot up from his seat, gathering his phone and such. Jared shot an awfully smug look, before heading down the street, opposite direction of where Connor had arrived from. Connor stared at nothing for a split second, before he felt a tap on his shoulder. He was about to open his mouth, when the owner of the hand that had tapped his shoulder was none other than his young sister. Zoe shot a half smile, it seemed like she had forgiven him since what had happened not too long ago. Connor felt too guilty to return the welcoming expression.
"Hey, Connor. What are you doing here?" Zoe's eyes found themselves on Jared's figure who was trudging away. "With.. Jared?" Alana stood adjacent to her.
"Oh. We were just." He broke their eye contact for only a moment. "Talking." Zoe gave a questioning look, not fully believing his word. Alana spectated silently.
"Well, we'll be at that table over there." Zoe declared, gesturing to said table. Alana smiled at Connor. She considered him an acquaintance. That's what she labeled all of her friends, not thinking they really considered her important to them.
"Connor, why don't you join us?" Alana invited. Zoe shot Alana a look, and she fell silent. It wasn't sinister, just a look of warning. Alana knew that something was up between the two, realizing she should have kept her mouth shut.
"I'm good. I think I'm going to head home." Connor replied, getting the hint he was unwanted. "See you at school, Alana."
"I will see you too." And with that, the two headed inside, making way to the machine, while Connor was off on his way home.

// lemme get uhh GALAXY gals????

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