five: history of the entire world i guess

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     The day was painfully slow for the seniors, already fed up with these classes and the overload of homework that was piled into their backpacks. It was now sixth period. History. Connor slouched in his seat, mindlessly tapping on his desk. Evan and Jared were seated nearby Murphy. Evan behind him, while Jared was placed next to Evan. The three were in the very back of the row. Connor's pencil tapping came to an end, as he pulled out a piece of lined paper from his binder. He started to swiftly move the pencil across the paper. Evan noticed how Connor was so focused on whatever he was doing, so he peaked at what he was writing — or drawing. Connor was just doodling, at least what he called it. Wasn't anything serious. But to Evan, it was impressive. On his paper he sketched different plants and flowers and whatnot, in what appeared to resemble something like a design. Jared watched the two suspiciously. He swore he didn't care, but he really did. He didn't want his family friend to break his other arm thanks to the 'school shooter'. Evan opened his mouth, closed it, then spoke in below a whisper,

"Hey, that's really good." He whispered, trying to start a conversation. Connor glanced over to him, and blinked. He didn't catch what he was saying exactly, Evan was so quiet that even a pin hitting the ground would be louder than him.

"Hm?" Is all Connor said in response.

"Y-Your drawing." Evan pointed to the sketch. Oh no. Now he's going to think you're a weirdo for staring at his drawing! He'll probably hate you after this! Good job Evan, you'll never have a real friend. Evan mentally screamed at himself. He was too deep in his own thoughts he didn't notice Connor's cheeks were dusted with a faded pink. He tucked stray hairs behind his ears.

"Thanks.. I'm not really that good though.." Connor responded, a bit embarrassed that Evan caught him drawing during class. Connor caught Jared staring at them. Connor shot a telepathic message with his eyes, meaning, "what the hell are you looking at?" Jared looked away after that. Connor returned his gaze back to Evan.

"No! You're amazing!" Evan blurted, a little too loud. The whole class's eyes landed on the two. Connor mentally facepalmed, staring back at the crowd. Evan's face transformed into a tomato, only slipping out an 'oops'.

"Anything you want to share with the class, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hansen? I'm trying to teach a lesson." The teacher said sternly. Evan couldn't say a word, all eyes were on him. He was in the spotlight for once, and he most definitely wasn't used to that.

"Sorry about that, Mrs. Fleming. Won't happen again." Connor faked a smile. Mrs. Fleming returned to writing notes on the chalkboard about nothing important.

The rest of the period was silent. Evan took notes, Jared texted Alana under his desk, and Connor continued to scribble on his piece of paper. The bell rang. The students stood straight up in sync. Everyone packed up their materials and book bag, heading for the door.

"Hey! The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" Mrs. Fleming shouted. It was too late. The whole class was gone by then. "Ugh. Teenagers.." she said under her breath.

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