a/n: important

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so i am losing interest in this story and i'm sorry to say that i am cancelling this fanfiction.

it seems not many people are actually reading it but that's not why i am abandoning this book.

i am not as entertained with writing this fanfiction as i am to others i have in the past. i know some of you might be disappointed that i am not continuing this, but I don't see the point in continuing if i'm not enjoying writing this, after all, writing is supposed to be fun.

i'll leave this up but don't expect any updates.

i am planning to begin a mileven fic because that is much more interesting to me as it is more om the sci-fi side.

even though i turned this into a self promotion, i just wanted to thank you guys for reading + commenting. this isn't anyone's fault, it was just getting boring and i started to force myself to write, and that isn't fair for me or for you guys, since i began to just put minimal effort into it.

and remember, i may come back to this in the future, but don't expect it to be soon.

kudos to you guys,

- author

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