six: boneless pizza

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    Evan had just arrived to the Hansen household, after yet another day of school. Evan made an entrance into his house. Heidi was still working at the hospital, again. Evan slipped into his room, setting his bag down with a thump. He stepped into the kitchen, peering into the fridge. He had forgotten that his mother needed to make a trip to the grocery store this weekend. Evan turned his head, and there lay a scrap piece of paper with scribbled letters and little hearts. He made his way over to it, and read the note addressed to him.


Not much food in the fridge. I'm making a trip to the grocery store this weekend. Money should be next to this note. Order pizza. Take care of yourself, honey. Love you!!!

– Mom

Evan finished the note instructing what he should do. He was starving, but had no clue how to order the pizza. Ordering the pizza online was easy, but when the pizza guy comes to your door what do you say? Do you just say 'thanks bye' and slam the door? Or do you start a conversation? Evan exhaled, realizing he couldn't do this alone. He snatched his phone up from the table, and dialed in the numbers. It rang. Out of the blue, Jared's voice came through.

"Yeah-lo?" Jared started.

"H-Hey, uh, Jared. Could you come over?" Evan asked awkwardly. He hated communicating over phone. Even talking to someone in reality was easier than the phone for Evan.

"Why?" Jared questioned, a brow raised.

"I'll e-explain when you get here. Just hurry. I need you here quick." Evan said, "Uh, see you then." Then Evan hung up. Why am I like this? Evan wished he could just talk on the phone like other people.

Jared bursted out the door, something in Evan's voice gave him the vibe he was nervous and on edge. I swear to god if it's fucking Murphy beating him up or some shit I'm going to— he then ranted about his concern for Evan in his head. He knocked on the door with urgency. Then Evan tumbled out, a crooked smile worn on his face. Evan was surprisingly in one piece.

"H-Hi Jared." Evan greeted. Jared blinked.

"Hey. Why did you call me here?" He asked. From what Evan had sounded like, he seemed in trouble. Some kind of emergency.

"Well, y-you see, uh." Evan scratched his back uncomfortably, "I need h-help ordering pizza.." he felt so childish. A seventeen year old needing help ordering pizza? One year from being an adult, that ought to be embarrassing. Evan expected Jared to laugh, or tease him about it.

"Yeah, well. I ran a block just to help you order a pizza? I thought you were in trouble, god dammit." Jared just shook his head, "But I'm not paying for it."

"No, no.. I just.. need you to talk to the person on the phone.." Evan said quietly, ashamed. Jared nodded.

"Alright." Jared walked inside, with a plain face. "But I'm not doing this again, okay?" Evan nodded. Jared dialed the nearest pizza shop. After a minute or two of Jared speaking to the anonymous person on the phone, he was finished.


"Oh, in return for ordering that pizza," Jared said with a smirk, "You have to let me eat a slice or two." Evan sighed.

"Alright.." he didn't negotiate.

The pizza wouldn't arrive for the next ten minutes at the least, so Evan and Jared hung out in his room. Evan plopped down into the bed. Jared sat on the chair at his desk. The two talked about who knows what.

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