seven: friddaayyy

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     It was a relieving Friday, acknowledging the eager students and exhausted teachers that the week had come to an end at last. Connor was more than overjoyed to know that he would have a three day weekend, labor day interfering with the classes. Connor slung his bag's strap over his shoulder. Zoe had been waiting at the end of the staircase for the duration of the morning. Her arms were folded and her expression seemed slightly annoyed. Connor had always spent the most time getting ready at the start of the day. He stomped down the stairs, meeting his sister.

"Let's go already." She said, a sense of urgency in her voice. The two headed out, following the path outside of the Murphy household, that lead to the driveway. "So, Connor.." she started a sentence, seemingly a bit nervous.

"Yeah?" Connor's hazel brown and a hint of crystal clear blue eyes met hers. Zoe took a deep breath, preparing to finish the sentence.

"How are you holding up?" Zoe averted her eyes, before meeting his again, "after.. you know." She didn't want to say it so direct and forward. Zoe looked unsure of her decision to bring up the topic. Connor's facial expression read that he was as unsure as his sister if not more.

"To be honest, I don't know, Zoe.." he stopped himself for a brief moment, "It's just.." then from the corner a familiar cocky voice broke in. And it was just as he feared. Jared Kleinman walking to school. Then Evan came behind him, attempting to catch up with the slightly shorter boy. Jared didn't even notice Connor until Evan let out a quiet, 'hey, Connor'.

"Hey, Evan." Connor returned with a wave. Jared looked their way.

"Hey, do you two want a ride?" Zoe said cooly. On the other hand, Evan didn't sound anywhere close to cool. Who would blame him when his lifelong crush just offered him a free ride to school? Evan flushed bright red, his cheeks the shade of an apple.

"Oh. O-Of course! That'd be a-awesome! I would love to! I mean... that'd be c-cool." He tried to say smoothly. His family friend's only response was a face palm. Connor just watched blankly, then he realized that he was right. Evan did have a huge crush on Zoe. She smiled.

"Alright, guys. Hop in." Zoe unlocked the car, seating herself in the driver's seat.

"I call shotgun!" Jared shouted, quite literally tossing himself in. This left Connor and Evan in the back. Evan glanced at Connor, and Connor returned the action. He cleared his throat.

"So..." Connor said, attempting small talk, "What do you have first period?"

"H-History." Evan managed. He was growing to be a tad more comfortable around Connor, but he couldn't say he wasn't at least slightly intimidated by the taller boy.

"Oh, cool. Me too. Mrs. Fleming, right?" Connor said casually. Evan nodded without a single word.

"I have History with Mrs. Fleming too." Zoe interrupted their conversation.

"Yay.." Connor said voice laced with sarcasm, rolling his eyes. Zoe shot him a glare as the car came to a halt at the red light. Evan blushed almost as brightly as the red light at the thought of sitting next to Zoe Murphy during class, and maybe even talking to her. Connor and Evan continued to discuss different subjects, at one point Evan somehow brought the topic to trees. He informed him about how trees are able to defend themselves, and how trees are able to absorb as much as forty eight pounds of oxygen each year.

"How do you know so much about trees and shit?" Connor asked, intrigued slightly.

"W-Well, I was a park ranger during the summer." Evan answered. Other than the 'incident', being a park ranger was not so bad. Connor nodded.

For the remaining of the trip, Evan continued to provide Connor with some fun facts about trees. Connor listened, catching himself staring at Evan. He may or may not have studied Evan's facial features a bit. He didn't really think of it as anything. Connor mentally smiled a few times in reaction to Evan's rambles about nature. Of course, Zoe was listening the full time. And she thought Evan was downright adorable. The foursome found themselves at the front of the school.

"See you in History, Hansen." Connor walked off to his locker. Evan waved goodbye. Zoe smiled as she took off. Jared had a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

"Uh oh." Jared cooed in a teasing voice.

"What?" Evan asked.

"Looks like the Mur– shit, gotta go." Then Jared took off at the speed of light to meet Ryan at his locker or for some other reason. Evan swerved over to his locker, opening the locker door and placing his unnecessary materials, and the needed History textbook. He slammed it shut, and headed for the class.

Mrs. Fleming was a tad late to her room, so of course the whole class was chatting it up. Except for Connor. Evan was conversing with Zoe. At least trying to. Connor felt irritated. He didn't know why. He just hated the sight of Evan talking to Zoe. This was normal, right? Connor decided to just draw in his notebook, letting all the surrounding voices blur out. He started to draw the orchard, the most soothing setting for Connor. When Larry, Cynthia, and or Zoe were stressing him out, he escaped through the window, and strolled to the orchard. He would sit on the roof of the barn, usually holding a joint between his fingers, puffing out the grey smoke that toxicated his lungs. He savored those memories, being alone. Without him and Zoe shrieking at each other until their vocal cords burned from overuse. Or Larry and Cynthia arguing over the littlest things.

Connor returned to reality, escaping his memories. He continued to sketch the firetruck red barn, the vibrant green grass, and apple trees, and so on. He then felt eyes glued to his paper. He blushed when he found a curious Evan and Zoe watch him draw. Zoe looked surprised.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Connor asked harshly without trying to.

"It's just... I never thought you were good at.. anything.." Zoe said finally, "Sorry, I meant.." Connor intervened with her apology.

"It's fine. I don't really care." Connor answered bluntly.

"So where is this? Like, what the drawing is based off. Unless you just, like, drew this all off of nothing. That's really good, by the way." Evan spoke a little fast, but Connor could understand him.

"It's my aunt's orchid. She isn't there as much now that her business kind of died down, but I sneak out there a lot when my parents are asleep." Connor replied.

Mrs. Fleming entered at that exact second.

"Turn to page sixty nine and read up to eighty seven." Groans emitted from the students as they began to read the dreadfully boring text.

// yo my name's caitlin i'm 69 and idk how to write anything 

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