Chapter Two: Now She Got A Six-Year-Old

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In both Attention and this book, Kirstie never made her album, but the rest of the group made their albums. Avi made his album after Kirstie left Pentatonix though. Okay, now lets get on to the story instead of my boring rambling 😂.

Silver rays of sunshine trickled through the clear curtains, my eyes fluttering open, to see my son curled right next to me. I smiled sweetly at the sight, for I loved when he was right beside me, even though as a "big" boy he should be learning to sleep by himself. I pulled the covers off of me, stretching my arms a bit, as I stood up, yawning. Elliot shivered subtly, as I reached over and moved the blanket, so it was now providing warmth to his little body.

I smiled again, as I walked up to the vast window, gazing out at the  morning horizon. My apartment...well Jeremy's apartment, to be exact, had a dazzling view, being able to see rippling blue bay, its waves foaming white as jet skis crossed over, bubbles all around. Tiny ants of people staggered around, whether they were walking by the bay (the beaches were further away, by Biscayne, and then South Beach of course) or on their mini party boats, or simply lounging by their apartment pool, splashing away in the turquoise waters.

I glimpsed my bedroom again, carefully walking away from my sleeping baby, looking at the wooden dresser and the cracked mirror. I glanced at myself momentarily, my tired brown eyes, my baggy Martin High School t-shirt, my checkered navy pajama pants, and my messy blonde bun. A few months after my move six years ago, I decided to dye my locks blonde again, for it suited me and it was quite a few years at that time that I hadn't had blonde hair. Eventually, I learned to dye it perfectly myself, every now and then coloring my hair, at night. I still looked basically the same though, still wearing my eyebrow piercing to this day (I don't think I'll ever take that off) and my ears still fully pierced as well, as for my tattoos (obviously still permanent, because I love them.) I yawned once again, trudging into the hallway, going to the living room.

Turning on the old TV set, I flipped on to the news, as the typically too-excited news anchor began babbling on and on about the latest dramas about music artists. Yeah, I didn't like the news, but it did keep me updated with what was going with the people in my past.

Placing the remote onto the marble counter, I ambled into the kitchen, which was right beside the living room, grabbing a bowl from the cabinets. Opening the black fridge, glancing briefly at the loads of magnets and stashes of drawings hung on the doors, as I snatched the milk. I poured it into the bowl, taking the cereal box from the counter, and pouring my Fruit Loops as well.

With that, I stumbled to the ripped sofa, tufts of cotton poking out through the mismatched patterns of fabric, as I plopped onto it, scooping my breakfast into my mouth.

"And now for the juiciest, latest updates, Pentatonix denies rumors about adding another member to the group, stating that their sound did not need another member. With that being said, controversy arose over why Kirstin Maldonado quit Pentatonix and disappeared mysteriously," the TV blared, as I almost choked on the milk.

Great. Just what I needed to listen to right now. Yet, I turned the volume on louder, for my curiosity took the best of me, unfortunately.

"Mitch and Scott didn't have time to address the new rumors about their ex-bandmate, accordingly busy with their growing clothing brand, SCÖMÌCHE, as for Kevin as well, who simply told us years ago that he didn't know the reason why Kirstin left, or that she was going to leave at all. He also mentioned that he, nor any of the group, and even Kirstin's family members, knew where she had gone, even whether she was alive or not."

"Okay, and? We already know this," I rolled my eyes, talking through a mouthful of Fruit Loops. Not to mention that when I'm gone, people finally get my name right. Now, everyone knew I was Kirstin or Kirstie, but back when I was still around in Pentatonix, I've been called Kristin, Kristie, Kristina, Christina, Christine, Carson, and sadly even Tyrone. But nope, now everyone gets it right. Again sadly.

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