Chapter Nine: Keep Me Coming

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Okay, so I was working on Say Something and the song came on on my Pandora (not the PTX version though) and now that I move onto this, Rockabye begins to play. What's with Pandora doing the weirdest things whenever I'm writing...Illuminati confirmed...jk XD. (i wrote this author's note last week...this didn't happen while I was on the plane lol)
(Update: in the car writing, Say Something by PTX and Rockabye  came up while writing this XD XD).

"Oh my God," Esther repeated over and over again, her lip quivering as she burst into a cry.

     "I..." I bit my lip uncomfortably.

      Candice, walking out with an outfit in her arms for Avi, nearly dropped them, shouting, "KIRSTIEE!!!"

     "Hi Candice," I smiled, as Elliot giggled at the pile of clothes now on the ground.

"Whatcha giggling about, Elliot?" Avi laughed as well, as Candice's eyes moved from me to Elliot back to me onto Avi down to Elliot and all over again.

She gasped, covering it with a whooping cough.

Esther simply nodded at Candice, her expression glassy and somewhat filmy.

Abruptly, the walkie-talkie secured onto Esther's belt crackled.

"We need to hurry up now! The show's about to start, and we still don't have Avi ready!" Someone groaned, as Esther answered back, "K!"

     I simply stood there, recalling how busy concerts were- especially backstage. It was calmer actually on the stage, than getting ready and making sure everything will go as planned.

Avi ran into his dressing room as Candice followed after, flashing Elliot and I a quick grin, as Esther stood there, simply staring at me.

"We need to talk now," Esther said sternly, somewhat glaring at me.

I couldn't blame her. I mean, I did leave without anyone knowing and all...but I thought she wanted me to leave. After all, she did think I was bad for him...though I admit I kind of was. At the time, at least.

"But the show's happening around now," I gestured to the stage.

"Fine, after the show," Esther sighed, as she turned towards the stage.

Abruptly, she spun around again, looking me right in the eye.

"You two will sit with me. I had a few seats reserved for us'll watch from there."

"Sure Es," I replied, as she froze for a second.

Guess she wasn't used to seeing or hearing me after all these years.

"Mommy, I'm exthited!" Elliot stated happily, as I squeezed his little hand.

"It'll be your first concert! And it'll be a Pentatonix concert! You're going to love them!" I grinned, though feeling a twinge of pain within my heart.

I was back at a Pentatonix concert. But this time...I wasn't a part of them.

But, I reminded myself, this time I have someone special with me. My baby dragon.

Rockabye (Sequel to Attention, A Kavi Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now