Chapter 18

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Later, Melissa sent her man to ask Anne for a slow dance, and she swayed and cuddled up against him too. He was older, almost grey. He smelled wonderful.

That night Anne slipped her hand down the front of her underwear and rubbed herself to one of her usual orgasms, then cried herself to sleep.

She dreamed of glaring headlights and screeching brakes. Of being in the passenger seat of her father's pickup when an oncoming Mack truck had run the stop sign, slamming into her door, into her body. In a flash of agony, her thigh bone snapped in two, the break puncturing her flesh in a compound fracture that sprayed blood across the interior of the cab. The view through the windshield had been dizzying. Trees, houses, street, houses, trees as they'd spun around and around. Her head slammed into the window before she was knocked into the centre console. The little trash bucket, shattered, cut into her cheek.

The scene shifted, and she was in a hospital, out of her head in agony as her broken leg was placed in traction. Waking up from surgery, unable to speak or cry, only scream over and over, the morphine unable to subdue the pain where two metal pins had been screwed into her femur. Jagged stitches marred her skin where the compound fracture had been fixed. More incisions from the operation, straighter, but just as much a disfigurement.

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