Chapter 52

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They spent another couple of hours at the swap meet, but by the time the sun began to set, a swarm of mosquitos came up from the creek and drove shoppers and vendors alike to their vehicles, ending the evening earlier than expected.

Unlike in town, back at the farm, the only insects were cicadas, serenading with their croaking buzz in the heat. Summer was heating up, taking hold. The crickets added their soprano chirp to the music of the evening. A soft wind sighed through the branches of the trees and the summer flowers, perfuming the evening. Reluctant to head inside, they strolled through the yard, hand in hand, eventually ending up at the tractor. Anne leaned against the metal frame and Nick stepped close, taking her in his arms for a long wet kiss. There was no hiding or playing tonight. They wanted each other with a passion that would not countenance such silliness. Knowing they would never make it into the house, Nick took a clean towel from the line strung between two trees and spread it on the ground. Then he sat, pulling his wife onto his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist, aligning their bodies. They embraced again, groin to groin, tongue to tongue, heart to heart, pouring their love into each other.

Nick stroked his wife's slender back, pressing her close to his body. She rubbed against him. When he lifted her tunic top, she helped. Then he kissed her as he unhooked her bra. He stroked her firm full breasts, cupping one in each hand, massaging gently before taking hold of her nipples and fondling them until she was moaning with every breath.

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