1: Coffee

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Prompt: Coffee 
Warnings/TWs: N/A
Tags: Fluff, Domesticity


Mitch's phone dings and he looks over from his laptop screen. The notification says that his Postmates is at the door, and he sighs. That means he actually has to put on pants. He finds a pair of shorts on the floor—Scott's, because he hasn't worn shorts in forever—and pulls them on. He gets his coffee and tips the girl, setting the tray on the counter for when Scott gets back from his run.

Scott texts him a string of running, sweat, and heart emojis when he's on his way back, and Mitch smiles at his phone screen before he sends back a grimace and a heart.

Mitch is pantsless and tidying up his room when he hears the front door open.

"Mitchy, I'm home!" Scott calls, a beat before there's a burst of laughter.

"What?" Mitch comes out of his room and into the hall to see Scott laughing so hard he's shaking, and oh. That's why.

Scott's holding his phone and keys in one hand, but in his other, he's got a tray. Of Starbucks. Of exactly the same thing Mitch ordered. Christ.

"Did we really surprise each other with coffee?" Is the first thing out of Mitch's mouth when he gets over the shock of it and an uncontrollable urge to laugh spreads through his body.

Scott nods wordlessly, still laughing too hard to talk, and Mitch is only mildly concerned about his ability to breathe as he takes the tray from Scott, setting it on the counter so he doesn't drop it and spill it.

"Oh. My God." Scott gasps as he tries to catch his breath, giggles still threatening to consume him and pull him down to the floor. "Oh my god, Mitchy, we're actually married, I can't believe us."

Mitch can't help his smile at that, eyes involuntarily travelling to where a simple twisted ring sits on his left hand and then its mate on the chain around Scott's neck.



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