10: Dance

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Prompt: Dance
Warnings/TWs: nope
Tags: Alternate Universe - Dancers, Mitch Uses She/Her Pronouns, Fluff  


Mitch is thirteen when she gets the call to dance on a music video shoot. It's a pretty big deal, she thinks, working for Grammy-winning singers, so of course she's going to take it. Her manager mentions that they're looking for someone male-bodied who's comfortable dancing in a dress, so they reached out specifically for her. Mitch appreciates the fact that they thought of her.

When Mitch shows up for fitting day, she's ushered to her dressing room. The door says "Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying" and Mitch thinks Scott must be the other kid dancing with her. She hopes they're nice.

"Hi! I'm Scott," is the first thing Mitch hears when she opens the door. She startles a little before she recovers herself and her manners.

"Hi Scott, I'm Mitch. Nice to meet you. I use she/her pronouns, what about you?" It's become automatic for Mitch to introduce herself with her pronouns or else people either use he/him (which Mitch is okay with, she'd just rather she/her) or awkwardly try to avoid using pronouns at all.

"Okay, I use he/him," Scott says without missing a beat. "Come in, I think that's your half of the room." He waves a hand to the left of the room. There's a curtain on a rail that's open right now, but looks like it can close off the room entirely if that's what they wanted.

Mitch spies what looks like a dress of pink fabric hanging on the rack in the corner of her side of the room, but she chooses to ignore it in favor of what Scott's fiddling with on his rack.

"What are you wearing?" Mitch asks, hesitantly making her way over to Scott's side of the room.

Scott pulls a hanger off the rack. "Suit, but like it's modified and stretchy so I can actually move around in it." Mitch strokes the fabric gently. It's smooth and feels fairly elastic, but it looks like a real suit jacket. It has roses embroidered on each side of it, and Mitch thinks it's very pretty.

A stylist comes in a few minutes later and gets them both fitted for their respective outfits- the flowy pink dress for Mitch that she likes the feeling of twirling in, and the rose-embroidered suit for Scott.

They're not scheduled to actually be rehearsing today, but since neither of them have anything else booked for the day and people are still around trying to stage sets and stuff like that, they take the opportunity to sneak into a practice room and start getting a feel for each other. They've both done their own routine learning with people of approximately similar proportions, but the more time they get actually dancing with each other, the more in-tune they'll be.

It's weird for Mitch when she realizes a few steps into their combined parts that she and Scott are moving as one, even without ever dancing together before. Somehow, there's no tripping, no off-steps, nothing at all that suggests they just met a bit over an hour ago. Scott notices it, too, if the way he's grinning is any indication.

"This is going to be a heck of a lot of fun, isn't it, Mitch?" Scott asks once they finish their first run-through of the routine as best as they can without proper set blocking.

Mitch nods. "I can't wait."


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