20: Sandwich

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Prompt: Sandwich
Warnings/TWs: None
Tags: Meetcute, Kidfic, literally they're kids  


It's Mitch's first day of middle school. He's a little nervous, because he knows it'll be louder and more crowded than his little elementary school, but hopefully it'll be okay.

He keeps to himself for most of the first week, getting his homework turned in and learning where his classrooms are and most importantly, where the choir room is.

His fifth day of school, he's sitting at a table alone, even though he's not really by himself, per se. Some of the faces he knows from elementary are with him, but they're talking loudly through mouthfuls of food, and Mitch doesn't want any part in it. He unwraps his sandwich—just jelly, because his sister is allergic to peanuts even though Mitch isn't—and jumps when someone drops their bag onto the table next to him.

"Hi! I'm Scott, can I sit here?"

Mitch looks up to see a lanky blonde boy, maybe a little older than him, grinning brighter than sunshine. Mitch nods.

"I'm Mitch," Mitch says, going for a bite of his sandwich when Scott interrupts him.

"What's in that?" He gestures at Mitch's sandwich.

Mitch shrugs. "Just jelly. You?"

Scott's eyes widen. "Just peanut butter, none of my family likes jelly except me. Want half?"

"I have a better idea. Give me one slice and I'll give you a slice and then we'll both have a full peanut butter and jelly!" Mitch exclaims.

It's no coincidence when they end up sharing slices of bread for the entirety of that year, and the years after that until they're in high school and then they just share food in general. Twenty years down the line, Scott will forget to buy jelly sometimes, and Mitch will tease him about it until he forgets to buy peanut butter and then they'll just trade sweet kisses instead of bread. Their kids will think the sandwich story is cute but a little over-dramatized until one day, Madison will come home with a sticky smile on her face sometime in high school, talking about this girl who'd introduced her to the wonders of butter and honey sandwiches.

Scott and Mitch will only smile.


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