11: Messy

344 36 26

Prompt: Messy
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Smut, Blowjobs, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, BDSM, kinda, Jealousy, Possessiveness 

NOTE: book has been marked Mature


They've talked about this. It's something both of them fantasize about—Mitch on his knees in front of another man with Scott waiting and watching. It's the humiliation of it that gets Mitch going, the idea that Scott is making him to prove himself before he's allowed to please Scott. It's the visual of it that gets Scott going, the red-hot jealousy of seeing Mitch, his Mitch, kneeling in front of someone else, making them feel good, touching them in ways that should be his.

Scott's too jealous for it to happen with another person, though, they both know. Scott can barely keep his hands from the throat of anyone who so much as dares look at his Mitchy the wrong way, neither of them want to see what'll surely happen if they bring someone real into this.

Essentially, this shared fantasy of theirs has been, well, just that. A fantasy.

Until now.

Mitch comes home to Scott waiting at the door. He's got a full performance outfit on, that one leather jacket over a black tshirt over black skinnies. He looks taller than he usually is, and Mitch glances down to see those damn heeled boots Scott's been so fond of recently. Mitch shivers. Scott doesn't dress up like this at home except for one thing. They're playing tonight.

"Hi, Mitchy," Scott says, his soft tone a harsh contrast to what he's wearing. Mitch knows it's Scott's way of giving him out in case he's not in the mood for it, but fuck yeah, he's in the mood tonight. Mitch leaves his bag on the couch and toes his shoes off, accentuating the height difference when Scott takes a step closer to him.

"Yeah?" Scott asks, breath just brushing Mitch's ear.

Mitch nods. "Yeah."


It's but the work of a few seconds that Mitch finds himself in his room, stripped to nothing but a tshirt and briefs. That's always where and how they start their scenes unless they've specifically chosen somewhere else, but not this time. There's a short knock on the door and Scott comes in before Mitch can even reply. Oh. That's how it's going to go tonight.

Mitch can feel himself letting go of control as Scott grabs his hand and leads him wordlessly out into the hallway. It makes his head spin in a good way, and somehow, despite the persona Scott has on right now, he still feels safe here.

Scott takes him down the hall to a room that's oddly unfamiliar, though Mitch can see the familiar blue of the walls even with the dull light. A corner of Scott's room has been cleared, and- oh.


Scott pulls him forward, taps him on the shoulder to signify "kneel". Mitch lowers himself onto the floor, facing Scott. The wood is cold and unforgiving against his knees. He's expecting Scott to unzip his jeans, because they've done something like this before, but no, Scott doesn't. He grabs Mitch's chin in his hand, turning his head to the wall, and oh.

Oh. That's what they're doing. Mitch can feel his cheeks flush red just the idea of what Scott's about to make him do.

There's a dildo attached to the wall, just above a comfortable height for Mitch to kneel at.

"Blow him," Scott says, voice low and flat, lacking any kind of emotion.

"I-" Mitch can't help the beginning of a protest that spills out.

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