21: Fall

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Prompt: Fall
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Alternate Universe - Genderswap, Girl!Scomiche, Fluff


Michelle sighs as her girlfriend stops to take yet another 'aesthetic photo' of her Uggs against the orange-red leaves on the ground.

"Hurry up, Scottie, your pumpkin spice latte is waiting for you," she calls, and Scottie laughs.

"Let me be basic, Shell, go summon a demon for Halloween prep or something."

"Okay, binch, for the last damn time, I'm not into that," Michelle rolls her eyes, smiling when Scottie comes and takes her hand.

"Oh come on, don't be like that, I follow you on Tumblr, remember? I know all your secrets."

"Hah, right, reblogging every one of the Sixpenceee midnight dares doesn't make me a witch," Michelle shoots back, swinging their hands between them. They must make an odd pair, one of them in a leather jacket and black skinnies, dark hair pulled up into something too messy to be called a bun, and the other in a big, fluffy sweater with the most basic of black leggings and tan Uggs, blond mane loose on her shoulders. It works for them, though.

"Oh c'mon, just wait until you get accidentally seduced by some random succubus you summon on Halloween," Scottie teases, and Michelle drops her head onto her shoulder.

"I would never cheat on my girl with just any succubus, don't worry about it. She's gotta be at least open to discussion before we turn this into poly."

Scottie pouts. "But you're my Shell. Mine."

Michelle lets Scottie pull her into some semblance of a hug that feels somewhat like a headlock, and she laughs, prodding at Scottie's side to make her laugh and let go.

"I'd never, babe, not unless you were okay with it."

"I love you," Scottie says, and Michelle's heart does a little flutter. She's never going to get tired of hearing that.

"I love you too, darling."


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