17: Sister

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Prompt: Sister
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Kid Fic, Fluff, Domesticity, Mitch Uses She/Her Pronouns, similar verse to ping-pong, Parenting Skills 101


"Daddy, am I getting a sister?" Shaylie asks them, bouncing eagerly on her bed.

Scott laughs. "Yes, Shay, we are. We're going to go pick her up tomorrow, so go to sleep."

"But I don't wanna, I wanna meet my sister!"

"Shay, it's time for bed. If you don't sleep, it'll be a long, long time before it's time to go get your sister," Mitch says, her voice firm.

"How long?" Shaylie sits down, staring up at them with big eyes. Mitch sighs. There's no way Scott's not going to give in and let her stay up.

"How long do you go to school for?" Mitch knows it's five hours, but she wants Shaylie to piece it together herself.

"Five!" Shaylie exclaims, holding up a little hand. Her nails are painted bright pink to match the rubber bands on her braces.

"Right. It's nine right now, and we're coming home with Madison at eleven tomorrow morning. That's fifteen hours. Do you know how many school days that is?" Mitch isn't sure how far her division skills have come and if Scott's little tutoring sessions have stuck, but it' s worth a shot.

"Ummmm," Shaylie says, furrowing her brows. "A school day is five hours, and there's fifteen hours before my sister comes here. Is that fifteen divided by five?"

Mitch glances over at Scott, who's beaming, eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Yes, it is."

"Thatt's three school days," Shaylie murmurs, realization dawning on her face. "Oh. That's a long time."

"Yep. But if you do what Mommy says and sleep, I'll get you up at nine and then there'll only be three hours before Madison's here."

Shaylie's eyes widen. "Okay!" She throws herself down and dives under the blanket, squeezing her eyes shut. "Goodnight, turn the lights off!"

Mitch grins at Scott, who's gaping at her. "How... did you do that?"



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