9: Fruit

302 51 17

Prompt: Fruit
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Fluff, Innuendos, Outsider POV  


"Scott," Esther says. "Scott. You need to stop."

Scott looks up at her. "What?"

Esther sighs. They've been over this. Goddamnit. "We're on the bus, Scott."

"Yeah, and?"

Sometimes Esther wonders why the fuck she puts up with these children. "What's the bus rule about fruit?"

"Um. Eat it? It's good for you?" Scott says, glancing at Mitch, who's sitting across from him, next to Esther. Esther pinches the bridge of her nose. Why must they do this.

"No, Scott, the rule about fruit on the bus applies specifically to bananas. We do not eat bananas on this bus unless they're cut up."

Scott looks down at the banana in his hand. "Right."

Mitch is smirking, and Scott picks it right up from him. Esther sighs again. "Listen. The last time you ate a banana on the bus, Scott, the entire bunk area smelled like come for the next three hours and you and Mitch both used up like at least half a tube of concealer apiece for the show that night. I don't need to hear you two fucking, again."

Scott looks chastised for all of a moment before he shrugs and puts the banana back into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks around it and levelling what the fandom calls his "predatory eyes" on Mitch. Esther drops her head into her hands as Mitch swipes a thumb over his bottom lip, pulling it to the side.

Esther thinks she left her noise-cancelling headphones in her bunk. They'd better be there, or else it's going to be a hell of a long night with Scott and Mitch sharing a bunk less than three feet away.



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