15: Sharing

330 35 3

Prompt: Sharing
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Fluff, Cuddles, Scent Kink, except it's not kink it's just cute idk


It's been a longass day, and all Mitch wants to do is sleep.


Mitch pauses halfway into his room when he hears Scott call.



Mitch hesitates. Hopefully this won't take too long so he can sleep. He yawns as he pushes Scott's door open. It's dim, just lit by Scott's little blue-shaded lamp on his nightstand.

"M'home, daddy," Mitch says, and Scott grins tiredly. He's curled under the covers, and Mitch closes the door behind him.

"Cuddles?" Scott asks, and who would Mitch be to deny him that? Besides, it's not like he doesn't want cuddles too.

Mitch strips down to just his underwear, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor. There's a reason he wore sweats today instead of something fancy and easily-creased. Scott holds the duvet up for Mitch to slide under, and Mitch can feel the tension of the day draining away as he sinks into Scott's bed, into the warm cocoon of scents. He can pick out their detergent—Scott must've changed his sheets today—as well as a hint of Scott's shampoo and hand lotion. There's also something just Scott, as stupidly cliché as that is. To Mitch, it's bright and warm and comforting, but there are also darker, muskier undertones that mix with the bright to make the wonderful scent Mitch has come to know as Scott.

He burrows into Scott's chest, tangling their bare legs together until he can't tell where he ends and Scott begins.

Mitch feels Scott's arms come around him and squeeze tight.

"I'll go back to my own room to sleep," Mitch mumbles, although he can already feel his eyelids drooping.

"No, stay," Scott whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

That's all it really takes for Mitch to nod. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

It's just a few moments before they're both asleep, curled tightly together, safe from the world.


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