16: Bag

254 37 10

Prompt: Bag
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Fluff, Meetcute, kinda, Attempted Mugging


Having someone crashing to the ground next to you isn't the best walk to class you could possibly have on a Monday morning, and yet here Mitch is.

"The fuck." Is his first, very eloquent response.

His second thought is that oh, shit, there are two people on the ground, one with his arms wrapped tightly around the other.

"What the fuck." Is his second, slightly more polished reaction.

"Sorry!" The one on top yells. "Your bag was unzipped and this piece of shit," the man raps the one he's pinning to the ground on the back of the head, "Was about to grab something, so I hope you don't mind that I tackled him."

Mitch blinks.

"The fuck."

"Okay, you seem a little shocked so hi, I'm Scott, nice to meet you, I'd shake your hand but I'm kind of busy trying to keep this guy here so you'll have to excuse me."

Mitch keeps on blinking. "Um. I'm Mitch."

"Nice to meet you, Mitch, mind snapping a pic of this guy's face before I let him go?"

"Uh, okay?" Mitch pulls his phone out and takes a picture of the guy's face, and Scott grins.

"Great. Okay, buddy, run, you have five minutes before I anonymously tip the police." Mitch watches in bemused fascination as Scott gets up and brushes his hands and knees off. The other man runs off and disappears around the corner.

Suddenly, the realization sinks in for Mitch. "Oh, shit."

Scott looks at him. "You okay?"

"Shit. Yeah, I just processed what just happened, oh my god." Mitch swings his backpack off his shoulder and zips up the pocket that was open. "Thank you so much."

Scott shrugs, blush tinting his cheeks. "Don't worry about it."

"Listen, I want to thank you somehow but I really have to get to class, what if I give you my number and we'll grab coffee on me sometime?" Mitch rummages around for a loose piece of scrap paper, and he scribbles his number and a smiley face on it.

Scott beams. "Sure. Have fun in class!"



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