13: Temptation

293 32 14

Prompt: Temptation
Warnings/TWs: nope  

Tags: Feminization, Mitch Uses She/Her Pronouns, Lingerie, Shaving, a Hint(tm) of Daddy Kink, Genderfluid Character  


Mitch smooths her hands down over her hips, admiring herself in the mirror in the bathroom. She shaved tonight, and her legs are smooth and soft and she kind of loves it. She's missed this.

She picks up the lace panties that are resting on the counter. They're a deep wine red, black trimming the edges. Mitch slides them on, relishing the drag of lace on smooth skin, and settles them on her hips. She debates if she wants to tuck or not, since it'll determine some of how Scott reads her and how they'll interact in general tonight. She ends up tucking, and the extra effort is worth how smooth it all looks when she turns sideways in the mirror.

There's a matching bralette, too, so Mitch slips that over her head and settles it as best as she can on her chest, which is also satisfyingly smooth.

She takes one last look at herself in the mirror before she leaves the bathroom.

"Fuck, princess," is Scott's first response, so she thinks she's done well.

Scott's eyes roam over her entire body, everything from her legs to the panties to the bralette to the red lipstick to the mascara and eyeliner.

"Daddy, come touch, she's soft," Mitch says, dragging her thumb across her lip, smearing the red and taking two steps closer to where Scott's sitting.

"Fuck yeah, babygirl. Get on the bed."


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