5: Fresh

334 43 3

Prompt: Fresh
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Fluff, Crack


"Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott. Scott."

Scott pulls the covers over his head. He mumbles out something that Mitch hopefully hears as "fuck off".

"Scott, no, get up," Mitch tugs at the blanket, and Scott lets him peel them back, making a face in Mitch's general direction.


"Scott... I broke the juice machine," Mitch says, and Scott furrows his brows.


"I broke. The juice machine."

Scott's too tired for this. "How the fuck."

There's a shuffling and then Mitch is sitting heavily at the foot of Scott's bed. Scott squints at him through bleary eyes.

"I wanted juice."

"How the fuck," Scott says again, because that's all that's going through his sleep-addled mind at the moment.

"I don't know," Mitch whines, "Help me fix it, I want juice."

"Drink the stuff in the fridge," Scott sighs, resigning himself to the fact that he's not going to get any more sleep this morning.

"No, I want fresh juice."

"High maintenance."

"Queen wants what queen wants, Scotty. Help me fix the juice machine."

Scott sighs.


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