7- No Less

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It was twilight all day.
Sometimes the smallest things weigh us down,
small stones that we can't help
admiring and palming.
- Alice B. Fogel, No Less

"When do you think that they'll find me another foster home?" Josie keeps asking questions, which I don't mind. If I was in her position, I'd want to keep asking questions too. Bethany had told me that Josie could stay with me until they either 1.) find out that Davis isn't dangerous (which he clearly is) or 2.) find another foster home for her. The school knows that she'll be missing one week but that should be enough time for me to get Davis taken care of.

"I'm not sure. They said that they're pretty full right now so it might be a while," I warn her. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," She says quickly. "I like it here. I mean, your brother's room does smell like nachos but other than that, I like it here."

"We can go to the store and get some candles later," I say with a small laugh and then my phone starts ringing so I get off of the couch and go into the kitchen for some privacy just in case it's work. It's not work though, it's an unknown number. I answer it.


"Hi, is this Eleanor?" Somebody asks me.

"This is her," I confirm politely.

"Oh, good. Your brother gave me your number," The guy informs me and then I realize that it's Micah. "He gave me your address too so I'm on my way to pick you up."

"You're picking me up?" I ask him in confusion but then it hits me that we're supposed to go on a date tonight. With so much going on though, I had forgotten about it. With my father asking for me at the escort service and then this whole thing with Davis and Josie, Micah got put completely on the back burner. "Shit. I totally forgot. I'm so sorry, these past few days have been crazy."

"We're not going anywhere fancy. Just put some pants on and we can go get burgers or something," He insists, seemingly unfazed when I tell him that I forgot. I feel bad that I admitted to that out loud, I hope that I didn't hurt his feelings.

I look over at Josie. I can't leave her by herself. I leave her alone if I have a client but that's only because I have to. She has made it clear though that she doesn't like being alone. She calls me a lot, making sure that I'm still coming back and she had a panic attack when I went to get her a toothbrush because she was afraid that Davis was knocking on the door when it was just somebody knocking on the door beside mine in the apartment complex.

"I can't leave my apartment right now. I'm sorry, something is going on," I tell him apologetically. I feel so bad though and I'm also feeling disappointed that I don't get to see Micah again. He's so sweet and funny and he's just the kind of mental break that I need right now, a break from all of the reality being thrown in my face. "I'm not trying to stand you up, I swear."

"Sure sounds like it," He mutters, now sounding a bit bitter. I can't fuck this up.

"Do you want to come over?" I offer quickly. "We can watch movies and order pizza or something. I do want to see you again, it's just so much is going on right now. Everything is so fucked. Please just come over."

"I don't know, I think that I need to hear you beg some more," Micah informs me but I can tell that he's joking, which makes me smile. I'm glad that he's not mad at me for forgetting about tonight.

"That's all that you're going to get," I inform him. "So I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, you'll see me soon," He confirms and I smile again, relieved that he really is coming over. I know that I was hesitant before about seeing Micah again but I think that after the past few days that I've had, I could use somebody like Micah to help me feel better about it for a little while.

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