Daughter of Hermes (Part 2)

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(I was lazy....)

You and Leo had been married for a while and... let's just say that life with twins was never boring. Cass and Kevin were the loudest, most energetic kids in the world. They were sneaky and, like Leo, could set themselves on fire. As they got older, their powers calmed down a bit. On their twelfth birthday, Cass and Kevin had a fight. Cass wanted the cake's frosting to be blue while Kevin wanted red. They both set themselves on fire. Then they started freaking out. Leo calmed them down and explained everything to them. 

When everything was sorted out, you brought out the cake. Half of it was blue and the other was red. When they finished their cake, you and Leo decided to take them to camp. Cass and Kevin decided to stay in different cabins. Cass stayed in the Hermes cabin and Kevin went to the Hepheastus cabin. 

After that, things around the house calmed down. Well, except for when Cass was eighteen and she came home with a boyfriend. Leo set himself on fire... and, let's just say that I think Luke is never coming here again..

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