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Hermione POV:

I wake up sandwiched in-between Fred and George in our bed. I let out a low groan as I sit up and realize I'm trapped here until one of them wakes up. It's a good thing it's Saturday.  I lay awake in-between the twins for about thirty minuets before they both begin to wake up. "Fred... George... It's time for breakfast... We are actually late. Get up." I say, softly shaking them by their shoulders. Fred is the first of the two to sit up, followed by George about thirty seconds later. "Morning, Love." they say together, each of them rolling out of bed, and pulling on a some clothes for today. I slide out of bed on Freds side, and walk over to our wardrobe. I grab something comfy for today because I have some studying I need to get done. Once I'm dressed in one of the twins quidditch jumpers, a pair of my jeans, and my maroon high top converse, I head over to the bathroom and pull my hair into a ponytail and then I walk out into our common area and find the boys working on a new WWW product. "I'm going to breakfast. Are you two coming?"  The boys pull their eyes away from their work and smirk at my outfit. "Enjoying our jumper, Love?" George asks me with a grin slowly spreading across his face. I give them an 'up yours' hand gesture, causing them to laugh, and then I walk out to breakfast... The twins practically tripping after me. 

When I open the portrait hole and step out into the great hall, all eyes turn to the three of us. Ignoring the looks we are getting, I walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit down next to Harry and Ron, as the twins go over to sit with Lee. "Wow, Mione... Already slept with them have you?" Ron asks with venom in his voice. "No, Actually I have not. Not that it's any of your business what I do anyway." hiss back at him, watching his eyes widen at the tone in my voice. Harry, being able to tell a fight was about to break out, tells Ron that he should just mind his own business. Rons face grows red from anger and he yells "I WILL MIND MY OWN BUSINESS! SHE'S JUST A MUD-BLOOD ANYWAY!" As soon as Ron says it, his face grows pale. "RONALD!" three voices yell from down the table. Two being from the twins and one belonging to Ginny. "I-i-i- I'm sorry, Mione." Ron says reaching across the table to touch my shoulder. I quickly stand up and tell him "I wouldn't want you to catch my mud-blood illnesses, now would I?" and walk out of the hall. 

On my way to the library I run into Malfoy. "Oi! Gran- Weasley!" he yells running to catch up with me. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I growl at him, bitterness clear in my voice. "Don't get that tone with me. I just thought you would want to know a little something." "What do you know?" "I know that you and the Weasley twins need to leave school... Leave the country even. Umbridge is working with the Dark Lord, and they want you out of the picture. It's clear that  you are the brains behind Potter, so they figure if they get rid of you then Potter is as good as dead." Malfoy tells me in a hushed voice. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask him in a whisper, "Because, If I'm going to be a spy for the bloody order then, It's kinda my job to keep the brains behind the down fall of the Dark Lord safe." I am absolutely shocked at the words coming out of Malfoys mouth right now. "What about school?" "Weasley, I already have you and the twins a spot at Durmstrang ready." "Give us two weeks." "Deal."

Malfoy walks away from me quickly, leaving me to think about what he just told me. "Miss. Granger, What are you doing in the halls?" I internally groan when I hear the voice of Umbridge behind me. "It's Mrs. Weasley now actually, and I was just on my way to the library." I correct her, and tell her where I was going in hopes of her leaving me alone. "Mrs. Weasley? Impossible. You are not of age." she says, growing smugger by the moment... She thinks she caught me in a lie. "No. It's Mrs. Weasley." I assure her, watching her smirk begin to grow. "It's against the rules to lie." she tells me, raising her eyebrow... daring me to correct her again. "My name is, Hermione Weasley. I know that I am underage, but you see, a bonding ceremony doesn't care if I'm of age or not. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you." as soon as I mention the bonding ceremony her jaw drops. "Very well then, Show me this proof." "Okay, Can you follow me to the great hall, Professor?" I all but spat at her. 

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