08. Jetlag

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I walk out from the gym room and wipes all the sweats on my face and neck. I ve been practicing non stop ever since I arrived at this mansion yesterday.

Richie said we will start filming earlier than schedule since I suprisingly picked up the dance routine easily. It would work better for me since I can go back Korea earlier.

That news definitely annoys Harry. Because of that he had to straightaway record new song today. Well, if I were him I would exactly pissed off as well. I wouldnt want to sing a song that I did not like or did not match my style. Its so irritating to be forced performing something that you yourself are unable to enjoy. But still I wouldnt want to do anything about it. It was his life to deal with. I barely living dealing with my own. I am just glad that I have opportunity to leave London earlier, and nothing Harry do can ruin it.

I headed downstairs, to grab a glass of drink. All those non stop practice made me really thirsty.

From the first level of the mansion, I already can hear Naomi singing happily. Naomi is the woman hired to cook for me. She did not sleep in the mansion but in fact, she came early in the morning and leave at night. She is a very nice mexican lady and she cook so well. I love having her in the mansion but the problem with this lady is she talk too much and she cook way too much.

Yesterday she cook me a fiest for lunch, and she just cannot stop scooping food into my plate. I tried to refuse politely, but Naomi kind of nagged me and in the end I shoved everything down just to satisfy her so that she will stop talking.

It only take two hours and half for her to prepare various dessert for my teatime afterward. I dont know how it happen but again I shoved everything down. Naomi did not leave the mansion until she make sure I had my dinner and supper, which again she prepared excessively as if she was feeding a family of five. Not only that she even prepared a warm milk before saying goodbye.

By the time she left, I became frantic. I knew I gain too many weight in a day. I can feel my belly buldging, something that cannot happen in my live. I changed my attire and went to gym, did some crunches and cardio for an hour. Jetlag messed my head and I end up practicing until just now.

I reached ground floor and Naomi singing is even louder. I contemplating wether to go to kitchen or not, afraid that Naomi might force me to eat something she made. I stayed frozen near the stairs tapping my feet thinking wether to clench my thirst or to avoid Naomi. Without thinking I continue walking. Not to the kitchen but i went downstairs.

In split second I was in front of the only room in basement. 'The room' that was forbidden for me to enter.
I don't know why but suddenly I am very tempted to open the door. My hand is already on the knob of the door while my mind is racing thinking what should I do.

I'm not really interested to know what is in the room but I just like the idea of objecting Harry's rule. I shake my head and rub my temple. Suddenly I feel like I am wasting my time. I feel like I'm being childish, however I am still tempted to see the room. Again my hand is on the knob. I then slowly twist the knob.

I was shocked to know that it is unlock. I froze for a while and just when I have strength to push the door open, someone speak from behind.

"What are you doing?". Richie ask with a frown on his forehead.

I widen my eyes and pretend that I am too shocked to respond.
"You know that the room is forbidden for you to enter?". Again I just froze to the question, pretending that I did not understand.

Richie and I exchange glance without speaking anything. Richie then chuckle. "Never mind you don't understand, come".

I turn around and and Richie wave his hand asking me to follow him. We head to the kitchen. Along the short walk to the kitchen I hear Richie talking on his own. Mostly talking down about me and how I just a brainless preety girl. I am exploding inside but then my mind was distracted by the food in kitchen. This time the amount was not made to feed family of five but rather for a troope of army.

There are trays of food from various type, and seeing it made me dizzy. I dont know if Naomi will forced me to eat all of these.

"Your lunch is in oven, I made lasagne today. These all are for party tonight."

I look at Richie on my left, and he noded. I look at Naomi again hoping for more explaination.

"Party. Tonight" Richie speak loudly and emphasized each syllables. I dont know if he realised that I am not deaf just not speaking English, well pretend not to.

"Party, party, PARTYYYYY..." Richie voice getting louder and I yelled OK to make him stop.He was taken aback.

"Party, preety, please!" Richie left with sour expression. I guess he did not like to be shouted at. Well that makes two of us.


I stared at both of my luggage that were opened on the floor. I packed all the clothes on my own but none of it with the thought of going to party. I am not sure what kind of party its going to be. The fact that I still can feel my belly buldging did not help. Of course Naomi forced me to finish all the lasagne she made today.

After a long period of thinking and trying almost everything I brought, I finally decide my attire for the night. I grab a black long sleeve top that reveal my shoulder and a jeans miniskirt. I paired with a chocker and dolled my face with a natural look and glossy pink lips. I knew that I look too simple but I dont want to attract too much attention. Besides I kinda have the idea that Richie would not really fond of my fashion for the night and I am so excited to annoy him.

I dont know how the party will turn up to be. But I had a feeling I will not comfortable with it. I was so nervous that I even throw up all the lasagna I had today. At least my belly is flat again and I am ready for the party.

Now, Do We (Yein x Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt