14. Your Song

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"Sleep tight pig"
I can hear Harry's whisper in my ear as I drown into my bed. I cant remember what time it is but the boys insist we went home before morning. A housekeeper is coming early in the morning and they wanted to avoid meeting her. No one knows that the unit belong to Harry, not even the housekeeper. Its their secret sanctuary.

We had a lot of fun yesterday. I tried DJ ing and it turns great. I know I always have a musical
talent. So many things happen yesterday and I love every second of it

We sing a lot of random song, Ed come with new tunes, turns a lot of silly thing into songs. We even have a solo session

"So, its your turn now. What kind of song are you?" I was caught off guard and suddenly the studio become eerily quiet, waiting for my answer.

"Well, ermmmmmm I dont know?" I shake my head and awkwardly smile.

"What??" I see all three jaws hanging low. It is true. I never really see myself as a singer. It was always dance my best talent. But I do love singing, it just that I am not that good.

"Its not that hard pig, we just asking your favourite type of song. Not the song that you can sing the best"

"Is it different?" Pardon me, Im not that smart. And Ed came to rescue by explaining the differences.

"Of course love. For example, my favourite work would be walking a runway, modelled the latest collection. But of course that is not my best talent, dont really have the fit size of leg for that" And that definitely make us laugh hysterically and without doubt I answer their question, honestly.

"Ballad, I love ballad. Sam Smith, John Legend, they are my favourite artist. I was rambling excitedly but the boys are static, probably surprise with me. See, I know I never good enough to sing.

"Yeahhh, ballad.....but I never perform them. I am not, really are not good enough. I made a cover before, Sam Smith song. Its not that good, the fan love it though. But I know they just being nice, I mean...."I continue talking without any sense but Harry interrup me.

"Will you stop it, there is no Richie here"

"What do you mean by Richie?" Harry rolls his eyes.

"Richie means those pathetic,judgemental people who cant even accept their organic butt" I was quite puzzle by that but the Louise whisper loudly.

"Richie had a butt implant, those cheeks are plastic" Speaking about Richie butt, I know its not original.

"Nope, they were not plastic but cushion" All three pop singers in front of me freeze.

"He's wearing padding, not an implant. Urghhhhhh" Their stupidity made me groan from frustration.

"How do you know that?" Louise asked with a very curious look.

"I just know okay" Of course I know. I wear them sometime but definitely am not telling them the fact.

"Prove it" Harry and Louise simultaneously argue while Ed is laughing.

"Why should I? Is someone butt really important to you two"

"Of course!!!!!! its Richie. We'll pay you 50K if you are right". Harry is being ridiculous but 50K pound is really tempting. Imagine all those designer bags and jacket that I can buy right now.

"Deal" We shake hand. Guess I have to find way to make Richie confess then.

"Enough about butt guys. Have you decide the song" I noded and tell Ed the title. He begin to play his guitar and I started to sing. There is no one here so nothing to loose right?

Guess it's true
I'm not good at a one night stand
But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave
Will you hold my hand
Oh, won't you stay with me
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me
Why am I so emotional
No it's not a good look, gain some self control
Deep down I know this never works
But you could lay with me
So it doesn't hurt
Oh, won't you stay with me
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

By the end of the song I was so caught up with emotion. There is no pressure and there is no expectation. Harry was right there is no Richie here. I closed my eye since the beginning of the song, and still keeping it close. Somehow I want to be immersed with this emotion forever.

Oooh oh... oooooooh oh oh
I end the song with the adlib and slowly open my eyes. Everyone is smiling at me and thats the greatest feeling.

"Woow, you blown my mind and definitely a yes from me." Louise is giving me standing ovation, almost like mocking but I decided not to argue about that. He seems genuinely impress by my singing.

"This is not X factor" I stick my tongue out to Louise and laugh along with Ed. Ed give me thumbs up and Harry smiled before wink at me. I pretend like the wink struck my heart and collapse by Ed side who is sitting beside me after putting down his guitar. I am so happy they are loving it.

"So, its time to take your own advice. There is no Richie and good song need to be sing" Harry shake his head and instead shoving pizza down his throat ignoring Louise.

Louise have a look at me and begin to explain.

"Like you, this guy also love ballad and he had one special song he's been keeping foreveeeeeeeer"

"Really sing it then, I want to hear" Harry is avoiding eye contact from us and shaking his head. I came near him purposely shaking his body like a little girl asking for candy.

"Sing it please, please, please" He pushes me away but I just giggling.

"He wont do it. He's afraid fan like it because he is Styles who singing emotional song and not because of the song itself.

"Wait, I dont get it. What with Styles being emotional." I can hear Louise murmur duhhhhh

"He is afraid that people will melt because the idea of Harry is singing from the bottom of heart is so cute and no one will be honest about the song that he wrote."

"uhhhh please, you are not that handsome" touche'

"Of course I am. If I let everyone in this building know that Harry freaking Styles is here, we will die because everyone will come frantically asking to be my girl" Louise nodding to that statement which sound quite arrogant.

"Urghhh you are so obnoxious. So maybe, maybe you are categorize as handsome here, probably due to low standard of judging..........

Harry is about to refute but I quickly continue. I am in the good mood after singing Sam smith song just now so I dont want us to back into the i-hate-youu phase.

"Just sing it. Did you see anyone who will melt for you in this room? No right, just sing"

He groaned and pickup his guitar. Suddenly I feel nervous. Me, louise, and Ed is smiling to each other, really excited to hear the song. Harry is still warming up his throat, I think he just buying more time. And after few second he started to sing.

oh boy! the song is sooooo good


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