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I headed to training room, not knowing what to do early in this morning. Some of the member had schedule while others had personal errands. I actually did not talk much with them once I arrived Korea last night. So I dont know exactly where each of the member went

I got the role in the musical last time but blatantly reject it. I dont know why but it just dont feel right to take another job without my member. Harry, well he was so upset and did not take my decision very well.

I just dont understand what bothering him. Its my life anyway. He kept telling me how I am so naive and brainwashed. He also told me how stupid I am and how I will ended my career because of my stupid mindset, whatever hell that means. He crossed the line and I was so upset I leave him without any message. We are going to meet again in 3 weeks anyway for the music video premier and his new album launching, so i will think about deaing with him later or never. I can just choose not to show up for the premiere, right?

I enter the our practice room and I saw Mijoo unnie sitting against the wall. Her face is expressionless, so I shook her shoulder.

"Yah yein, when did you come back"

"Last night, didnt you notice" Thats when I realise I did not see her last night in our dorm. She couldnt be here all night long.

"unnnieeeeee...." I sigh sympathetically to her and she give me the look.

"I just got carried away and I guess I fell asleep here. Aigoo, my back is killing me, will you massage it so it can get better' I simply laugh and slap her arm. Mijoo is always the funniest member but deep down she always stressed out because of her lovelife.

She is dating Jhope from bts eversince middle school, since they are both fifteen. But when both or them debut it just went messy. They never ended their relationship but they never went to date as well. Jhope refuse to communicate using phone though Mijoo tried to exchange contacts many time before. Sometime Jhope post her a gift to reassure that they are still together but how could they still be together when there is barely a communication.

Now that my scandal happen I dont think a group as successful as BTS would like to have any relationship with us.

"Dont think to much ya yeinnnn" I try to rebut but thats when

"Unieeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin came and skipping to us and she straightway whining about her phone needed new sim card and she need it fast.

" Wait, what happens to your latest sim" She smile sheepishly.

"That jungyeop rudely took it away"

"Why" Jin just shook her shoulder but we know why.

" Who is it this time?" Mijoo crossed her arm on her chest but Jin was not bother by that.

"No one, I need a simcard now. Lets go to the mall"
Jin never changed. I dont know why but she loves hanging out with older singer.

"Jin, we cant afford another scandal. Do you want another hiatus?" both Mijoo and Jin were taken aback by me. But Jin being Jin is too positive and never take precautions.

"Yein ahhh, just live a little. There is nothing wrong with befriend with male species. I promise I will be careful and never fall in love. Mijoo unnie, lets go" Jin dragged Mijoo out of training room leaving a confuse me on my own. Am I overreacting?

tok, tok, tok

Someone's knocking on the door and it is Jung yeop the CEO.

" If you are looking for Jin she already on the way to the mall to find new simcard so that she can continue keeping in contact with whoever she hangout with this. And no, she dont tell me who but judging from her mood its still Park hyoshin. Nope, they still in contact since three months ago...."

"You are avoiding a conversation" I sight and helplessly look at him.

"What do you want me to do" Jungyeop pull his pants up a bit and sit on the floor, gesturing me to do the same. I take a deep breath and sit with him.

"Stop blaming yourself, ignore what happened and do what you want to do. Why did you reject the offer?"

"I cannot risk Lovelyz. What if korean did not like that and continue to criticised us. Ouh the one who make scandal is also the one who snatch the oversea job"

Jungyeop scratch his neck. Did I tell you that he is a normal CEO? Normal means he act so much like a normal people you wont realise he is actually the BOSS?

"This is your first time dealing with scandal. If you are too stressed out what you gonna do when the second, third, fourth scandal happen?"

Whaaat? I cannot understand this man, is he hinting that i will always gonna get into a scandal?

"Excuse me, I stressed out so that the second scandal wont happen. Can you please at least appreciat my effort?" My CEO just laugh and shake his head.

"Yein ah yein. It will always happen even if you do nothing. So the best way are to take time, ignore and move on."

"But......" He eventually stand up and look down to me. His eyes full of sympathy, am I that pitiful?

"You are an artist, a talented one. If people cannot appreciate your talent more than your scandal, than that people is not worth your attention." I try to think of something to say but ended up smiling to him, weakly.

"They asked you to rethink the offer. If you agree flight is at 6 in tomorrow evening" He left the training room after patting my head.


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